Browse Items (7118 total)

Water Elevation Survey Data for Well No. 13-U-9, .20 Miles East of Lewis Road and 100 Feet South of Calleguas Road
Coast & Geodetic survey data for the Leonard Ranch Investment Company of the elevation above sea level at Well number 13-U-9, located at .20 miles East of Lewis Road and 100 feet South of Calleguas Road. Data is for water level survey from years…

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Proposed Easements for Ray Thomas Ranches, Rancho Calleguas and Rancho Guadalasca
Map with some areas shaded in red, yellow, and green, created for Leonard Investment Co. showing proposed easements for Ray Thomas Ranches being a part of Rancho Calleguas and Rancho Guadalasca. Calleguas Creek can be seen running through the center…

Map Showing Easements for Irrigation Lines on Parts of Parcels D & E, Rancho Calleguas
Map for James Lenoard Investment Co. showing easements for irrigation lines in portions of Parcel's D & E on Rancho Calleguas. Map shows Calleguas Road split into two sections on top of one another with an arrow connecting the road at identical…

Capacity of Existing Wood Flume and 12" Steel Pipe, El Rancho Cola
Grey pencil drawing of capacity of existing wood flume and 12" steel pipe from a small dam above proposed dam, El Rancho Cola. Shows pipeline from reservoir.

Survey of Part of Tract A, Rancho Santa Ana
Grey pencil survey map for Chismahoo Ranch of a part of Tract A of Rancho Santa Ana. Area surveyed is 270 acres and land around surveyed area is shown as owned by George F. Fowler and David Alison.

Proposed Plan for Widened Spillway, El Rancho Cola Dam
Grey pencil map with red markings of a proposed plan for widened spillway at El Rancho Cola Dam. Map shows existing spillway in solid gray line, the voided Ramelli proposal in ticked red, and the State Division of Dams proposal in purple.

Rancho Santa Ana Map No. 2
Irregularly-shaped, blue line map of Rancho Santa Ana and T4N, R24W. Above Rancho Santa Ana is the Robinson, Fawcett, and Dean Subdivision. Casitas Pass Road is visible on both the bottom right corner and upper right corner and Coyote Creek is seen…

Part of Rancho Santa Ana Showing Location of Rancho El Cola Dam
Map of a portion of Rancho Santa Ana showing the location of the Rancho el Cola Dam, in T4N, R24W. Dam in located towards the center of the map, along Coyote Creek. Visible roads include Dunshee Road, Santa Ana Road, and State Highway 151 [sic…

Rancho Santa Ana Map No. 7
Map of Rancho Santa Ana and border with T4N, R24W. Santa Ana Creek runs along right side of the map vertically and Santa Ana Road is visible in the upper right quadrant of the map.

Rancho Santa Ana Map No. 2
Map of Rancho Santa Ana at T4N, R24W. Above Rancho Santa Ana is the Robinson, Fawcett, and Dean Subdivision. Casitas Pass Road is visible on both the bottom right corner and upper right corner and Coyote Creek is seen running through the map. Land…

Aerial Photograph of Unnamed Water Areas
Black and white aerial photograph of three bodies of water in an unidentified location. Photograph is stored in folder MVC084-F-10-839 concerning the El Rancho Cola Dam project, which museum records indicate may have preceded construction of the…

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Samuel Miller Woodsen Easley Among Beehives
Full portrait view of Samuel Miller Woodsen Easley standing with his hands in his pockets between rows of beehives. Easley is facing the viewer and appears middle aged with a shaggy beard. He is wearing a hat and dark waistcoat. Rocks have been…

Vernon Townsend's Bees
View of several rows of beehives on a farm. Fields, fruit trees, and farm buildings all visible in background. Library records include note: "Vernon Townsend's bees on the old Easley Place. Present site of Crestview School."

Ventura County Fair Bees and Honey Exhibit, 1923
View of the Bees and Honey Exhibit at the Ventura County Fair. Exhibit consists of three tables with a pastoral scene as a backdrop. Left table displays honeycomb. Middle table displays a diagram of an apiary. Right table displays jars of honey.

Robbing the Bees
View of beekeeper, J. F. MacIntyre harvesting honey from beehives on Sespe Canyon Ranch. A bee smoker is next a hive. Plants and rows of beehives are visible in the background.

San Buenaventura Map with Proposed Freeway and Interchange
Map of Ventura with a proposed freeway and interchange. Proposed Highway 33 is shaded in blue, going towards Ojai and runs alongside the Southern Pacific Railroad. Green circled area points to proposed Ojai Free (Highway 33) and Ventura Freeway…

San Buenaventura Map with Proposed Freeway
Map of Ventura with a proposed freeway (Highway 33) off of West Main Street going in the direction of Ojai. A red pencil line runs from Fix way through North Garden Street, Main Street, and South Olive Street. The Southern Pacific Railroad runs…

Record of Survey of the Mission Palm Subdivision, Block 48, Portions of Block 49 & Walnut Street, San Buenaventura
Survey map of the Mission Palm Subdivision, Block 48, and portions of Block 48 & Walnut Street located in Ventura. Areas of survey are highlighted in bold blue lines and located between Junipero Street, East Main Street, Figueroa Street, and East…

Record of Survey of Block 14, an Unnumbered Factional Lot South of Block 14, and Portions of Blocks 1, 13, & 15 of San Buenaventura
Map of Block 14, an unnumbered factional lot south of Block 14, and portions of Blocks 1, 13, & 15 in Ventura. Map area spans from Figueroa Street to California Street below Front Street with area of interest in bold blue lines. Unnumbered factional…

Survey of Lot on West Main Street, Ventura
Survey map for Roy Weatherly of a lot on West Main Street at the Northernly line, between Garden Place and Westerly line of Ventura Avenue. Garden Place is now North Garden Street. Survey shows the Tico Tract is located on both left and right sides…

Survey of the James Fix Tract, San Buenaventura
Blue survey map of the James Fix Tract located in a part of Lot 8, Ventura. The map is located in the upper left quadrant of the document with the remainder of the document dedicated to signatures pertaining to the map. The tract is located between…

Survey Map of Part of Block 52, San Buenaventura
Survey map for Shell Oil Company of a part of Block 52 in Ventura. Map area covers covers corner of West Main Street and South Olive Street. Olive Street is seen continuing upward on upper right corner of the map.

Grey pencil note indicates…

Map of Ventura Avenue and Surrounding Area, Ventura<br />
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Map of Ventura Avenue area located near Downtown Ventura, with a red line highlighting Ventura Avenue. Visible streets include Fix Way, Garden Street, Main Street, Santa Clara Avenue, Junipero Street, Thompson Boulevard, and Figueroa Street and the…

Ventura County Assessor's Map 73-11, Rancho Ex-Mission San Buenaventura
Ventura County Assessor's map from Book 73, page 11 of a portion of Rancho Ex-Mission San Buenaventura. Area depicted spans from Garden Street to Figueroa Street and is located below Santa Clara Street and above the Ventura Freeway (Highway 101). …

Ventura County Assessor's Map 73-02, Rancho Ex-Mission San Buenaventura
Ventura County Assessor's map from Book 73, page 2 of a portion of Rancho Ex-Mission San Buenaventura. Map area covers from South Garden Street to South Figueroa, with area of interested located below East Main Street and above Santa Clara Street.…
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