Browse Items (37 total)

Ruth Ventura Zapf at the Beach
Shows Ruth Ventura Zapf posing on Ventura Beach. A dark-colored umbrella is open behind her. Ruth is wearing shorts with sailor-style buttons and a tie-back shirt. Her hair is curled and pinned.

Four Women in a Swimming Hole
Image depicts four unidentified women in a swimming hole. The four women stand side by side smiling and looking at the viewer. All of them wear swimsuits. The two women on the left are kneeling down in the water. Boulders visible behind the women.

Swimming in Natural Pool
Image depicts four unidentified women, but likely related to the Daily family playing in a natural swimming pool. All four of the women are smiling and wearing swimsuits. Woman in center is holding hands with the women on her right and left. She is…

Two Women in a Natural Pool
Picture of two unidentified women sitting in a natural pool. Both in swimwear with the woman on the left wearing a swimming cap. They are crouching in the water so that the water reaches to their upper arms. Behind the women is a large cliff face…

Swimming Near Wheelers Hot Springs
Outdoor scene showing seven people swimming and playing at a swimming hole near Wheelers Hot Springs. Four people sitting or holding onto a log are identified L-R: Beulah Strobel, Jackie Strobel, Johnny Strobel, and Violette Weigle. Beulah is tossing…

Staunton Family at Ventura Beach A
Two views of the Staunton family enjoying a day at Ventura Beach.

Photo A: DeLee Staunton, Annie Hanrahan (aunt), and Peggy Staunton (mother) stand in the surf line at the Ventura Beach. Ventura Pier in background.

Photo B: Peggy and DeLee…

DeLee with Frosty the Dog A
Two outdoor photos of DeLee and her dog Frosty.

Photo A: DeLee and her father C. C. Staunton stand on the Ventura Beach. DeLee holds Frosty, a white terrier-type dog in her arms. Pier in background.

Photo B: DeLee and Frosty stand in a garden…

Ventura Beach and Moore's Cottage Tide Pools A
Three photos showing DeLee Staunton and her parents at the beach.

Photo A: Peggy and DeLee build a sandcastle with moat surrounding it.

Photo B: DeLee lies on the beach next to a sandcastle. She lies on her stomach and is propped up on her…

Scenes from DeLee's Childhood A
Two photos showing DeLee Staunton's childhood.

Photo A: DeLee and her mother Peggy Staunton stand on rocks looking over tide pools at Moore's Cottages Beach, Solimar. Peggy wears a wide-legged swimsuit and a sunhat.

Photo B: DeLee sits…

DeLee at Play A
Three photos showing DeLee Staunton playing outdoors.

Photo A: DeLee standing on a swing. Large tree in background.

Photo B: DeLee stands in a forest, wearing a swimsuit and cap.

Photo C: DeLee stands on log and rocks in a river. She wears…

Staunton Family near Tahoe A
Four photos depicting DeLee and the Staunton family, most taken near Fallen Leaf Lake near Tahoe.

Photo A: DeLee wearing swimwear and standing in a shallow river.

Photo B: Closeup view of DeLee smiling towards the viewer.

Photo C: DeLee…

Warm Mineral Plunge at Wheeler Hot Springs
View of bathers at a pool at Wheeler Hot Springs. Two people diving in to water, one prepares to dive from wooden scaffolding.
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