Engineering plans for Loma Vista widening structure at Barlow Barranca in the City of San Buenaventura. Shows several detail drawings depicting drainage details, cross sections, wing walls, elevations, and spillways.
Grey pencil topographic map of Lot 12, Rancho Las Posas Estates Unit No. 4. Lot is located on corner of Avocado Place and Ramona Place between Lot 11 to the left and Lot 13 to the right.
Grey pencil topographic map of Lot 14, Rancho Las Posas Estates Unit No. 4. Lot is surrounded by Lots 13 and 16 to the left, and Lot 15 beneath. There is an access road to Lot 14 in between Lots 13 and 16. Tract 50 Rancho Las Posas is shown above…
Grey pencil topographic map of Lot 16, Rancho Las Posas Unit No. 4. Lot 16 is located on Ramona Place and map shows distance to Avocado Place to the left. Lots 13, 14, 15, and 20 are visible surrounding Lot 16. There is an access road on left side,…
Grey pencil topographic map of Lot 21, Rancho Las Posas Estates Unit No. 4. Also present are locations for Lots 20, 22, and 23. There is an access road located between Lots 20 and 23 on left side of the map going into Lot 21. Above Lot 21 is Tract…
Grey pencil topographic map of Lot 24, Las Posas Estates Unit No. 4. Lot is shown as located at end of Ramona Place, with an arrow pointing towards Avocado Place. Lot 23 is visible above and Lot 25 is visible below Lot 24.
Grey pencil topographic map showing a survey for Raymond F. Duty of Lot 28, Ventura Developers Tract No. 1, Ventura. Foothill Road is located running horizontally along bottom of Lot 28. Other visible lots include Lot 27 (left), Lot 34 (above), and…
Grey pencil topographic map of Lot 4, Rancho Las Posas Estates Unit No. 4. Lot is located on Avocado Place and is positioned between Lot 3 to the left and Lot 5 to the right. At the top of the lot it is noted that the survey was not complete and top…
Grey line map showing Lots 158 and 159 of McMillian Manor Tract No. 2 in Oxnard. Lot 160 can also be seen below Lot 159. Lots are located on corner of Cloyne Street and Thomas Avenue. Houses are present on both lots and iron pipes and electric power…
Overall master plan and property boundary data showing a portion of Tract 24, Bard Subdivision of Rancho Ojai. Map shows location of main house, bunk house, farm worker house, barn, paddocks and grape field. Indicates location of water lines, water…
Map of a portion of Block 1, Port Hueneme. Area of interest outlined in bold and divided into parcels leveled A-D. Shows area bordered by Surfside Drive, Seaview (Main) Street, Ventura County Railway (V.C.R.W.), Surfside drive, and the Pacific Ocean.…
White line on black map of a neighborhood block in Ventura. Museum records indicate this area is referred to as the Diamond Tract, a part of the Avenue Tract with the large unnamed street running from left to right being Cedar Street and the street…
Map of Area number 1 of the erosion repair project near runway, San Nicolas Island N.A.W.S., San Nicolas Island. Area of interest shown in bold beyond asphalt runway. Shows runway markers and lights, grading limits, sewer components, temporary…
Map with red and black added markings of beachfront area between Figueroa Street and California Street. Areas bolded in red are a proposed park site to the right of Figueroa Street, Parcel 9 on right side of California Street, and railroad tracks…
Pencil map of centerline street ties for Ferro Tract No. 1, City of Ventura. Shows a plan map of the tract in relation to nearby areas with street ties numbered. Eight detail maps showing closer views the locations of the street ties. Starting in the…
Brown line on sepia map of Conejo Oaks Tract No. 2, being a portion of Section 10, T1N R19W, Rancho El Conejo. Map shows area of interest outlined in bold including Alamos Drive and lots numbered 98-114. Outside area of interest are streets including…
Map of Conejo Oaks Tract No. 3, being a part of Lots 27 and 28, Subdivision No. 3 of Conejo Ranch. Map shows area of interest outlined in bold and including La Brea, La Jolla, La Peresa, Rosario, La Cresta, La Cresta, and Encino Vista Drives, and…
Black line map of Creek Road running through Tract 1, Rancho Ojai. Tract 4 is also visible on upper right portion of the map. Surrounding property of road is owned by Ray L. and Inez Roberson, Wm. D. Blair, and O. I. McLatchey. Map was revised in…
Map of drainage for Lot number 41, Tract 1703-1, Ventura County. Shows lot, patio, house, cone walk, driveway, and drain plan, with house outlined in bold. Separate figures show profile of water trap and landscaping.
Map of drainage plan for Baldwin Road near Burnham Road, Ojai. Shows drainage lines overlaid with topographic map of area around Baldwin Road near Burnham Road. Area bordered by Tract number 3209-1. Separate figure shows drainage detail and existing…
Map showing elevations, trees, power poles, etc., in Parcel 1 being a Portion of Tract 24 of the Bard Subdivision, Rancho Ojai. Both Parcels 1 and 2 are shown on map located below Ojai Avenue. A brick house is visible on Parcel 1.
Map of grading details of erosion repair near runway, San Nicolas Island N.A.W.S., San Nicolas Island. Similar to D-96-003-06 with different labels and in different configuration. Grading Area number 3 renumbered to Grading Area number 1 and moved to…