Map of proposed boundary for City of Meiners Oaks, Ventura County. Shows Rancho Santa Ana and Rancho Ojai areas, with proposed boundaries outlined in bold and City of Ojai shaded.
Drainage study for part of Lot V, Subdivision 99, Rancho Colonia. Shows locations of proposed drainage ditches and sewer lines in relation to existing road drains and sources of runoff.
A plat map of Tract 3614, being a subdivision of a portion of Lot 3 and all of Lot 4 of Block 34, and a portion of Lot 2 and all of Lot 1 of Block 35 of the Cooper Tract addition to the Town of San Buenaventura. Tract is located north of Poli…
Updated preliminary grading plan of Oak Creek Senior Housing, Thousand Oaks. Shows topographic lines overlaid with paved pathways and foliage around housing complex. Shows Thousand Oaks Boulevard, concrete channel, and an outlined field indicating a…
Plan and elevation profile of proposed residence on Mint Lane, Ventura. Plan divided into four sections. Bottom left shows profile of house from the east. Bottom right shows profile of house from the west. Top left shows Mint Lane and floor plan of…
A.L.T.A. survey of properties on Telephone Road and Victoria Avenue, Ventura. Shows existing two-story building in bold, along with parking lot and spaces, and sidewalk.
Map of seismic retrofit for St. Mary Magdalen Church, Camarillo. Area of interest shown in bold. Shows classrooms, offices, rectories, chapel, playgrounds, and parking areas of St. Mary Magdalen Church. Indicates poles to be removed or kept. Shows…
Seismic retrofit for Saint Mary Magdalen Church, Camarillo. Shows floor plan of St. Mary Magdalen Church stairs, narthex, nave, sanctuary, sacristy, loggia, museum, and tower. Separate figure shows floor plan of choir loft, second floor over…
Roof plan of Saint Mary Magdalen Church, Camarillo. Shows sample tile patterns and location of chimney on roof. Separate figures show plan and profile of overhead clearance.
South and west elevations for seismic retrofit of Saint Mary Magdalen Church, Camarillo. Map divided into two sections. Left shows elevations for south side of building. Right shows elevations for west side of building.
East and north elevations for seismic retrofit of Saint Mary Magdalen Church, Camarillo. Map divided into two sections. Left shows elevations for east side of building. Right shows elevations for north side of building. Separate figures show details…
Profile of nave cross-section for the seismic retrofit of Saint Mary Magdalen Church, Camarillo. Shows nave with points of repair indicated. Separate figure shows profile of eave gutter.
Tower floorplans for the seismic retrofit of Saint Mary Magdalen Church, Camarillo. Map divided into five sections. Top middle shows mezzanine, top left shows first floor, bottom left shows second floor, bottom middle shows thirst floor, bottom right…
Title sheet of seismic retrofit for Saint Mary Magdalen Church, Camarillo. Includes general notes, guarantee of work, and descriptions of various types of repairs.
North elevation detail photos for the seismic retrofit of Saint Mary Magdalene Church, Camarillo. Shows 12 photos of architectural details including reliefs, stairs, drinking fountain, and windows.
West exterior elevation detail photos for the seismic retrofit of Saint Mary Magdalene Church, Camarillo. Shows 12 photos of architectural details including columns, eaves, railing, and chimney.
South exterior elevation detail photos for the seismic retrofit of Saint Mary Magdalene Church, Camarillo. Shows 24 photos of architectural details including columns and eaves, and damage to the building.
South exterior elevation detail photos for the seismic retrofit of Saint Mary Magdalene Church, Camarillo. Shows 9 photos of architectural details including eaves and an alcove, and damage to the building.
East exterior elevation detail photos for the seismic retrofit of Saint Mary Magdalene Church, Camarillo. Shows 22 photos of architectural details including decorative details, cross, columns, roofing and eaves, and damage to the building.
Tower cap details for seismic retrofit of Saint Mary Magdalene Church, Camarillo. Shows four drawings including the tower roof framing plan, a cross section of the tower and cross, a detail of the cross attachment point, and bonnet detail.
A.L.T.A. survey, being a division of a portion of Lot 5, City of Camarillo. Area of interest is located north of Mission Oaks Boulevard and includes Parcels 1 and 2. Acreage of each parcel is indicated as well a locations of proposed easements. …