Map showing redesign of Lots 52 to 59 in the Ventura Heights development, made at the request of Evert & Payton, general contractors. Shows Sunset Drive, Hillcrest Drive, Catalina Street and a service alley. A storm drain easement over Lots 56 and 57…
Map of Lot D, Subdivision 94, Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia made at the request of J.W. Dodge. Also shown is a well site and pipeline along Walnut Drive. Adjacent Lots 8 and 10, designated as Ocean View Gardens, and Lot C are indicated.
Map of a portion of Marshall Tract No. 1, Rancho Ojai, being a part of Lots 2, 3 & 5 of the Ojai Land Company's subdivision. Area shown is located generally south of Grade Road, and east of Nordhoff Road and the Southern Pacific Railroad. Lots…
Map of a portion of Marshall Tract No. 1, Rancho Ojai, being a part of Lots 2, 3 & 5 of the Ojai Land Company's subdivision. Area shown on map is located generally southeast of Nordhoff Road and the Southern Pacific Railroad. Lots numbered 1 to 19…
Pencil plat map of Pleasant Valley Tract No. 1, Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia, being a portion of Parcel C of Lot 5 of Subdivision No. 61. Tract is located south of "State Highway" (California Highway 1) between Elm Drive on the west and…
Map of Pleasant Valley Tract No. 1, Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia, being a portion of Parcel C of Lot 5 of Subdivision No. 61. Lot numbers 23 to 36, 45 to 58, 82 to 92 and 63 located on Grandview, Elm, Palm and Glenn Drives are designated…
Map of Pleasant Valley Homes Tract, being a subdivision of a portion of Subdivision 85 of Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia. The tract is south of Pleasant Valley Road. Lots numbered 1 to 73 are located on Florence Avenue, Clara Street,…
Rail and wire revetment drawing for Joe Levy at Moorpark Ranch. Shows side views, plans, elevations, and details for braces and clamps. The positions of black locust trees are indicated on some of the drawings.
Map for the Federal Public Housing Authority of a portion of Subdivision 85, Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia. Property located south of Pleasant Valley Road and labeled "Part of parcel designated as 'H. Schuts' Map 3 MR 13." Adjacent…
Map of West Hills Estates, showing Blocks A, B, C and D, Part of Tract 8 of Bard Subdivision, Rancho Ojai. Lots 1 to 4 in Block A and Lots 1 to 7 in Block B are designated on the map. Lots are located west of Del Norte Road. A portion of Rancho…
Map for Santa Susana Park Number Two showing lots numbered 57 to 64, 70 to 77 and 84 to 120. Street names are not indicated on the map. Caption in upper left corner of drawing: "Sheet No. 3." Captions in upper right corner of drawing: "Sheet No.…
Map of Subdivision 48 and a portion of Subdivision 49, Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia. Made at the request of R. H. Roussey. Map shows properties located east of the intersection of Rice and Wooley Roads. Each parcel is labeled with the…
Plan and profile of sea water and waste brine pipelines, City of San Buenaventura. Top half of sheet shows map of Riverside Street and intersections with Center, Simpson, and Ramona streets, and a portion of the Southern Pacific Railroad. Existing…
Plan and profile of a sea water pipeline in City of San Buenaventura. Top half of sheet shows map of Peking Street and Harriet Street. City boundary, is indicated. State highway right of way and a plot of cultivated land is shown to the west of the…
Plan and profile of sea water and waste brine pipelines in City of San Buenaventura. Top half of sheet shows map of the Southern Pacific Railroad, land labeled "Flint Property." There are topographic lines on a portion of the map. Existing pipes are…
Pencil map showing the locations of water mains in Tract 50 and in Lot 5, Rancho Las Posas Estates Unit No. 3. Map shows Lots 4, 5, 6 and 12 on Valley Vista Road, as well as Lot 14 at the intersection of Valley Vista Road and Vista Del Mar Avenue. …
Gray pencil plat map of Lot 17, Peoples Lumber Co., Camarillo. Shows map of Lot 17 with a faint grid drawn on top with measurements indicated at the line intersections. Somis Road is shown to the southeast of the lot, and Barry Street is shown to the…
Gray pencil plat map of Lot 17, Peoples Lumber Co., Camarillo. Shows map of Lot 17 with a faint grid drawn on top with elevations indicated at the line intersections. Somis Road is shown to the southeast of the lot. Drainage ditches and easements are…
Grey line pencil topographical map of Lot 21 in Loma Vista Terrace prepared for Mr. Ted M. Mayr. Lot located on corner of E. Palomares Avenue and Taylor Street. Sidewalks and curbs are visible on left and top of the lot.
Map showing tree removal plan for Montalvo Heights. Map shows Crowley Avenue, Elizabeth Drive, and Anthony Drive. Map shows removal is of walnut and lemon grove trees.
Grey pencil line on sepia map of Valley Vista Drive for Rancho Las Posas Estates No. 3. Includes Lots 1-8, 11-12, 14-15, and 27. Details for standard headwall and drop inlet and catch basin are shown in left and right corners of map. Water lines are…
Topographic map of a portion of Lot 4 on Las Posas Estates Unit No. 3. Valley Vista Drive is visible at bottom of map. A smaller map of Lot 4 in relation to Valley Vista Drive and Vista Del Mar Avenue is located on right side of document.
Grey pencil map of portion of Lots 3 and 4 of Block 33 addition to Ventura. Buena Vista Street is visible on upper portion of map. Map includes an apartment complex details of 5 apartments numbered 844, 846, 848, 850 on Buena Vista Street and 129 on…
Topographic map of a portion of Lot 13, Ventura surveyed for Baker Oil Tool Company. Map depicts a rectangular portion of land with drawings of trees. On left side of map Ventura Avenue is visible with edge of concrete pavement, edge of shoulder,…