Bracero Cuadrilla Jalisiense 1950
Bracero Cuadrilla Jalisiense 1950
Jose Alamillo
[User contributed description]
This panoramic photo was donated by a grandson of a bracero from Jalisco, Mexico. It features a Bracero crew or cuadrilla that worked in Ventura County in the 1950s and was supervised by Rudy (last name unknown) who is featured twice on both ends of the photo. The majority of Braceros in this photograph were from the state of Jalisco, Mexico and because of their shared experiences and memories, they become a "home" to each other. When they were feeling lonely and missing their families, they turned to each other for companionship and friendship. According to the grandson, they all became brothers after working for the same crew, picking citrus fruit six days a week for 8 to 10 hours per day, and on Sundays went out to the movie theater together to watch their favorite Mexican film or eat at their favorite Mexican restaurant that served typical food from Jalisco. These bracero men played an important role in shaping the agricultural landscape of Ventura County and should be recognized for their contributions.
This panoramic photo was donated by a grandson of a bracero from Jalisco, Mexico. It features a Bracero crew or cuadrilla that worked in Ventura County in the 1950s and was supervised by Rudy (last name unknown) who is featured twice on both ends of the photo. The majority of Braceros in this photograph were from the state of Jalisco, Mexico and because of their shared experiences and memories, they become a "home" to each other. When they were feeling lonely and missing their families, they turned to each other for companionship and friendship. According to the grandson, they all became brothers after working for the same crew, picking citrus fruit six days a week for 8 to 10 hours per day, and on Sundays went out to the movie theater together to watch their favorite Mexican film or eat at their favorite Mexican restaurant that served typical food from Jalisco. These bracero men played an important role in shaping the agricultural landscape of Ventura County and should be recognized for their contributions.
Summer of 1950
Agricultural laborers
Ventura County (Calif.)
Unknown, “Bracero Cuadrilla Jalisiense 1950,” Research Library at The Museum of Ventura County, accessed March 12, 2025,