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Abex Corp., Aerospace Division Building
Exterior view of the American Brake Shoe Co., Aerospace Division (later Abex Corp.) in Oxnard. Two or three-story commercial building with ground to roof windows. Cars parked in front. Building faces 5th St. Airport tower in background.

Associated Oil Co. Staff Costume Party Group Photo
Group portrait of Associated Oil Co. employees at a company costume party. Taken in front of the Associated Oil offices. A flag reading "Flying A Fast Action" is displayed above the group.

Back row: F. W. Hertel, C. C. Burns, L. C. Lamp, E. H.…

Erle Stanley Gardner at Desk
Portrait of Erle Stanley Gardner seated at his desk. He is holding some papers in his hand and looking to the left of the viewer with a serious expression. He wears a suit, tie, and glasses. His desk is full of papers, books, and writing implements…

Erle Stanley Gardner at Desk
Erle Stanley Gardner dictates into a machine at his desk.

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Interior of the Free Press Business Office
Four people, three men and one woman are inside of the Free Press Business office. (Left to Right) L.P. Hathaway, Magda Kereker, E.M. Sheridan, & David J. Reese. Hathaway is standing at what appears to be a podium, Kereker is seated at a typewriter…
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