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All the Trappings: Hunting in the Backcountry
In 1920, Ventura County was included in State District 3 for the purposes of regulating hunting.
The cost of a hunting license for residents was $1. Hunters had 6 weeks in the late summer to hunt male deer.
There was no open season on does, spike bucks or fawns.
Hunters were also prohibited from selling the meat they hunted.
Hunters were required to register any hides they wished to sell.
The Keene film footage does include footage of animals being trapped and shot, which can be disturbing.
In modern times, many of the animals that Keene hunted are protected.
But in 1920, the state offered bounties on various animals.
Hunters were offered a $30 bounty for a female mountain lion and $20 for a male.

Hunting party on the North Fork of Matilija Creek

Men at hunting camp with canvas tents

Hunters in the hills above Simi Valley

Reginaldo Ruiz and John Dalton hunting deer in the backcountry
All the Trappings: Hunting in the Backcountry