Browse Items (5 total)

Employees Bungalow, Limoneira Ranch postcard
View of the employees' bungalows at Limoneira Ranch. Between the bungalows is a small courtyard. A tree in the foreground blocks the view. Caption at top reads: "Employees Bungalow, Limoneira Ranch, Santa Paula, Calif."
[Kashower, M. Co., Los…


Grape Arbor Over Two Lovers
Outdoor scene at Rancho Camulos taken from under the grape arbor. In the foreground of the image the sides and top of the arbor are visible. Grape leaves hang down from the arbor. Outside the arbor is a picket fence with a gate. A man and woman…

Grape Arbor Walkway
Walkway through the grape arbor at Rancho Camulos. In the middle of the walkway there is a wooden bench in the center of the dirt path. Above there are branches and vines hanging over the wooden lattice. To the sides leaves and other vegetation peek…

Mrs. Crowley in Rocking Chair Outdoors with Cat
Faded brown toned outdoor photo of woman in rocker holding cat. Woman is likely Mrs. Crowley, mother of Mrs. E.W. Daily. Another woman in left rear of photo. Photo taken on E.W. Daily property.

Woman in Garden
Photo of young woman in garden holding a closed umbrella.
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