



Collection of historical Ventura County area postcards. Images include cityscapes, historical landmarks, buildings, people, and events. Expect this digital collection to grow as more postcards are digitized, as the total number of postcards held by the Research Library and Archives exceeds 2,200.


Circa 1800's-1900's


Ventura County (Calif.)

Collection Items

Palm Street Kindergarten
Kindergarten Class group photo with teachers standing on both the left (wearing a white top and dark pants) and right (wearing all white) of the class. Photo was taken in front of Palm Street Kindergarten. One of the kids is pictured on a bicycle…

Fillmore State Bank and Masonic Hall
Two story building on a corner. Entrance on corner flanked by two columns. Drugstore window can be seen on the right. Several people stand on the sidewalk in front of the building. Two horse drawn carts are on either side of photo, partially cut…

Original Ventura Courthouse
Front-facing view of the courthouse with a group of men standing outside on the steps. Courthouse was built in 1874-1875. Historical notes from library records: Cost was $10,000 of which $4,000 was raised by subscription. Ground was donated by San…

Ventura Court House Gardens
Postcard of Ventura Court House Gardens, showing pathway, palm trees, flowering bushes and bench

View of Santa Clara Street, Ventura
Post card showing bird's eye view of Santa Clara Street in Ventura looking East from the courthouse.

Moreton Fig Tree, Plaza Park, Ventura
Postcard photograph of the Moreton Fig Tree in Plaza Park, Ventura. Front of postcard has writing in right bottom corner that reads "Rubber Tree Ventura".

Ventura County Co-operative Association
Post card of Ventura County Co-operative Association in Piru. A group of people gather on the porch with a horse and wagon with a driver in front of building. Meat Market and Piru Post Office signs are visible.

Luverne Molitor and Porky Jacobs
Sepia-toned postcard photograph of a couple in a Ventura dance marathon. Couple #34 are Luverne Molitor and Porky Jacobs.

Joe Barrett Family
Postcard portrait of the Joe Barrett family of Moorpark, California standing in front of a home, eight people in all.

Hill Cross
The top of Hill Cross is visible above a crowd gathered to witness the raising of the cross

Postcard of Concrete Bridge Across Ventura River
A post card of a coastal highway and a concrete bridge across the Ventura River.

Ventura Junior College
Front facing post card of Ventura Junior College. A car is parked near the front entrance to the left of it, and two sidewalks leading up to the entrance in foreground. "Ventura Junior College" written in bottom right corner in white lettering.

Causeway Near Ventura
A lady stands at the railing of the Rincon causeway looking at the Pacific Ocean next to a stopped automobile. The winding causeway around a mountain in background. Pacific Ocean is to the left of photo.

Ojai Arcade and Post Office
Post card of Ojai Arcade and Post Office

Hotel Rose
Exterior view of Rose Hotel, street in foreground, houses in background. Caption on bottom of post card: "Hotel Rose, Ventura, Cal."

Leon Walker Store
Color postcard, illustrated, depicting the Leon Walker store. Stores is located on a corner and a car is parked in front. Bottom of post card reads: "One of Ventura's Newest, Finest and Largest Stores."
[Colourpicture, Boston 15, Mass., SK7329]

Hill School Post Card
Exterior view of Hill School, dirt road in foreground. School has a Unites States flag atop. Caption: "Hill School, Ventura, Cal."
[Newman Post Card Company; Brakey, J.R., Ventura, Cal.; Made in Germany]

Old San Buenaventura Mission Post Card
View of back of San Buenaventura Mission showing the grounds around the mission. Caption at bottom of post card states: "Old San Buenaventura Mission, Founded 1782, Ventura, Cal." Black and white and hand colored versions.
[MacGregor, J.J.,…

Mission San Buena Ventura Post Card
Exterior front view of San Buenaventura Mission, appears to be illustrated.
[Rieder, M., Los Angeles, Cal., Printed in Germany, 2527; 49ll]

Bird's-eye View of Ventura Post Card
Bird's-eye view of Ventura, looking toward the ocean. Ocean in background, Elizabeth Bard Memorial Hospital, middle foreground. Caption reads: "Bird's-eye View of Ventura, Calif."
[MacGregor, J.J. Ventura, Cal. (Albertype Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.)]

Main Street, Ventura Post Card
View of Main and Chestnut Streets in Ventura, California. Street down the middle of post card and stores, hotels, and automobiles are visible. Possibly 1910's or 1920's. In sepia tone and black and white.
[No publisher stated, 28}

California Street and Court House, Ventura, 1914
View of California Street leading up to the Court House (currently Ventura City Hall) in Ventura. Houses and businesses line California St.
[MacGregor Bros., Ventura, Cal. (Albertype Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.)]

Bank of Ventura Post Card
Exterior view of Bank of Ventura, with businesses visible alongside it. Caption atop of post card: "Bank of Ventura, Ventura, Calif." Horses and carriages are stopped in the road.
[Brakey, J.R., Ventura, Cal. (Newman Post Card Co., Los Angeles. Made…

Casa de Ortega
Exterior view of Ortega Adobe.
[MacGregor Bros., Ventura, Calif. (Albertype Co., Brooklyn,; N.Y.)]

City Hall, Ventura, Post Card
Post card with illustration of City Hall in Ventura on California Street.
[John R., Ventura, Cal. (Polychrome Co., San Francisco, Cal.)]
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