Plan and profile of streets, sewers and water connections for a portion of the El Camino Ranchos No. 1 tract in the City of San Buenaventura. Upper section of the sheet shows map of parts of South Dos Caminos Avenue, Sereno Avenue and Beacon Avenue.…
Plan and profile of streets, sewers and water connections for a portion of the El Camino Ranchos No. 1 tract in the City of San Buenaventura. Upper section of the sheet shows map of parts of South Dos Caminos Avenue and Preble Avenue. Lots numbered…
Plan and profile of streets, sewers and water connections for a portion of the El Camino Ranchos No. 1 tract in the City of San Buenaventura. Upper section of the sheet shows map of parts of South Dos Caminos Avenue, Sereno Avenue and Beacon Avenue.…
Plan and profile of streets, sewers and water connections for a portion of the El Camino Ranchos No. 1 tract in the City of San Buenaventura. Upper section of the sheet shows map of parts of South Joanne Avenue and Preble Avenue. Lots numbered 1 to 7…
White line on blue map of proposed Creek Road on Rancho Santa Ana and Rancho Ojai. Creek Road splits off of Nordhoff Road, shown on left hand side of the map. Lots 30 and 31 on Rancho Santa Ana are visible. Property on map is owned by Netta E.…
Drawing and map of the proposed sewer grades in the Hartman Tract, City of San Buenaventura. At the top of the plan is a map that shows Howard Street, Katherine Drive, Hartman Drive, Borchard Drive, Thompson Boulevard, two unnamed alleys, and…
Drawing of the construction details for the Hartman Tract, City of San Buenaventura. The left side of the plan shows details of San Nicholas Street, Thompson Boulevard, and Main Street illustrating curbs and sidewalk. Below these details are…
Map and drawing of the proposed curb grades in the Hartman Tract, City of San Buenaventura. Top portion of the plan is two maps. The left map shows Thompson Boulevard, Howard Street, San Nicholas Street, an unnamed alley, and parcels of land numbered…
Map and drawing of the proposed curb grades in the Hartman Tract, City of San Buenaventura. Top portion of the plan is a map showing Thompson Boulevard, Katherine Drive, Main Street, two unnamed alleys, and parcels numbered 183 to 200, 169, and 211.…
Map and drawing of the plan and profile of Thompson Boulevard, City of San Buenaventura. Top part of plan is a map showing Katherine Drive, Hartman Drive, Borchard Drive, Petit Drive, and Thompson Boulevard. Bottom part of plan shows three lines on a…
Map and drawing of the proposed curb grades in the Hartman Tract, City of San Buenaventura. Top portion of the plan is a map showing San Nicholas Street, Coronado Street, Jordan Avenue, Seaward Avenue, Arcade Drive, and numbered parcels of land.…
Map and drawing of the plan and profile of Thompson Boulevard, City of San Buenaventura. Top part of plan is a map showing Petit Drive and the intersection of Thompson Boulevard, Main Street, Brent Street, and Telegraph Road. Bottom part of plan…
Map and drawing of the proposed curb grades in the Hartman Tract, City of San Buenaventura. Top portion of the plan is two maps. The left map shows Thompson Boulevard, Hartman Drive, Main Street, two unnamed alleys, and numbered parcels of land.…
Signature page for parcel map of a portion of lot 42 of Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy. Includes signatures for owner's certificate, engineer's certificate, city engineer's certificate, and county recorder's certificate. Prepared in February 1979 and…
Grading plan map for a Gisler Commercial Development site on Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy. Detail view in corner shows precise location of development site between Telegraph Road, the Santa Paula Freeway, and Wells Road. Special note indicates that…
Map of a portion of Lot 42 on Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy. Area of interest is filled in pink and shows existing buildings of a retail store, an ARCO station, sewer and water lines, and street improvements. Site begins on corners of Frontage Road…
Map depicting division of Parcel C of Lot 42 on Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy. Area of interest is in bold brown lines. Roads visible are Pajaro Avenue, Carlos Street, Citrus Drive, Wells Road, and the Santa Paula Freeway.
Pencil drawing of the intersection of Ramona Place and Avocado Place in Camarillo. Map of intersection on left side of sheet. Plans, elevations and cross-sections for a concrete culvert at the intersection are shown on the right side of sheet.…
Map showing streets, sewers and water connections for the El Camino Ranchos No. 1, City of San Buenaventura. Shows South Joanne Avenue, South Dos Caminos Avenue, Elizabeth Street, Preble Avenue, Beacon Avenue, and Sereno Avenue. East, west and south…
Map showing Lots 1 to 48 of the Los Encinos Tract, on roads, Burnham and Baldwin and Los Encinos, being a part of Tract B of Rancho Santa Ana. Rights of way (easements) for storm water and public utilities are shown. Adjacent property belonging to…
Grey pencil preliminary engineering drawing for the San Antonio Water Conservation District of a proposed small damn in a a part of Section 32, T5N R22W. Drawing on top half is of the alternate section gravity damn and details burlap sacks filled…
Black line map of Walnut Avenue in the Avenue Tract in Ventura. Walnut Avenue runs from left to right and Ruby Street, Pearl Street, Diamond Street, and Ramona Street are all visible going upward from Walnut Avenue. Below Walnut Avenue there are 24…
White line on blue map of proposed Nordhoff Creek Road across lands of Carl Sattler and Horrell. Red lines are drawn in areas to indicate Parcels A-D. Map spans across portions of Rancho Santa Ana and Rancho Ojai. Lots 30-32 of the Robinson…
Blue line map with red and grey pencil markings throughout of Arnaz Terrace being a part of Tract 1, Bard Subdivision. Lots shown are numbered 1-52. Creek Road runs below tract and San Antonio Drive and Barbara Way run through the center of…
Black line map with added pencil markings of Creek Road No. 3020 b from west line of Rancho Ojai (Station 16+79.80 to Station 31+05.66). Land being granted for Creek Road is owned by W. M. and Emily Richards, Carl and Lizzie Sattler, and Ventura…