A view of the original altar and Indian murals at San Buenaventura Mission, prior to 1878. A crucifix in the middle flanked by statues of Saints. Many symbols painted on the walls.
Mounted photo of the interior of the first church, appears to be a Catholic church, in "old El Rio." View is of the altar with a priest in front of it. Two men sit on the steps to the altar on either side of the priest, and two women sit in the…
Interior view of St. Paul's Church in Ventura decorated with flowers, ribbons and/or tulle for the marriage of Edith May Hobson and Walter Henry Hoffman Jr. Shows a close up view of the altar.
View of a bedroom at Rancho Camulos. In the center of the image is the bed. The bed is covered by decorative sheets and blankets. Bookshelves on each side of the bed. On the right is an altar with a pattered altar cloth. On the left is a couch. There…
View of an altar in the Rancho Camulos chapel decorated for Christmas. In the center of the altar is a baby Jesus music box. Orange trees and cotton decorate and surround the music box. Below the music box is a table with a patterned altar cloth.
Image shows a torn altar cloth. A lighter color fringe can be seen at the top of the cloth. The same light colored fringe can also be seen on the bottom of the cloth. At the bottom of the altar cloth there is a scalloped pattern with embroidered…