Nature shines through even in times of distress
Nature shines through even in times of distress
Image of magnolia tree with white lights hung in it. In the background an illuminated sign for a hospital entrance can be seen.
The following description was submitted by an outside party. The views expressed are the individual’s own and are not representative of the Museum of Ventura County.
[User contributed description]
I live near CMH and saw so many ambulances coming and going during the COVID19 Lockdown. The scene became a constant but still the beauty of the magnolia blossom brought me back to peace of mind. A time of emergency and still the beauty of the magnolia blossom.
The following description was submitted by an outside party. The views expressed are the individual’s own and are not representative of the Museum of Ventura County.
[User contributed description]
I live near CMH and saw so many ambulances coming and going during the COVID19 Lockdown. The scene became a constant but still the beauty of the magnolia blossom brought me back to peace of mind. A time of emergency and still the beauty of the magnolia blossom.
Pamela Hazard
Lockdown, December 2020
iPhone 10xs
COVID-19 (Disease) – Social aspects
Hospital (Calif.)
Hospital (Calif.)
Ventura County (Calif.)
Ventura (Calif.)
Stories from COVID-19
Pshinvent, “Nature shines through even in times of distress,” Research Library at The Museum of Ventura County, accessed March 4, 2025,