Plan and profile of sewers and waterlines for Ventura Developers Tract No. 1, a part of Subdivision R, Rancho Ex-Mission Tract No. 1, and a part of Eells Tract, Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy, City of San Buenaventura. Top half of plan shows Foothill…
Plan and profile of sewers and waterlines for Ventura Developers Tract No. 1, a part of Subdivision R, Rancho Ex-Mission Tract No. 1, and a part of Eells Tract, Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy, City of San Buenaventura. Top half of plan shows Foothill…
Plan and profile of sewers and water lines for Ventura Developers Tract No. 1, a part of Subdivision R, Rancho Ex-Mission Tract No. 1, and a part of Eells Tract, Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy, City of San Buenaventura. Top half of plan shows Hilltop…
Plan and profile of sewers and water lines for Ventura Developers Tract No. 1, a part of Subdivision R, Rancho Ex-Mission Tract No. 1, and a part of Eells Tract, Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy, City of San Buenaventura. Top half of plan shows Foothill…
Plan and profile of sewers and water lines for Ventura Developers Tract No. 1, a part of Subdivision R, Rancho Ex-Mission Tract No. 1, and a part of Eells Tract, Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy, City of San Buenaventura. Top half of plan shows Foothill…
Plan and profile of sewers and water lines for Ventura Developers Tract No. 1, a part of Subdivision R, Rancho Ex-Mission Tract No. 1, and a part of Eells Tract, Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy, City of San Buenaventura. Top half of plan shows Grove…
Plan and profile of sewers and water lines for Ventura Developers Tract No. 1, a part of Subdivision R, Rancho Ex-Mission Tract No. 1, and a part of Eells Tract, Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy, City of San Buenaventura. Top half of plan shows Grove…
Plan and profile of streets and a drainage easement in Sinaloa Tract No. 2 located in Rancho Simi. Upper section of the sheet shows map of portions of two unnamed streets. Locations for water lines, valves and a fire hydrant are indicated. Lots…
Plan and profile of streets and a drainage easement in Sinaloa Tract No. 2 located in Rancho Simi. Upper section of the sheet shows map of portions of two unnamed streets. Locations for water lines, valves and fire hydrants are indicated. Lots…
Plan and profile for a street and a drainage easement in Sinaloa Tract No. 2 located in Rancho Simi. Upper section of the sheet shows map of a portion of an unnamed street that terminates in a cul-de-sac. Locations for a water line, valves and a fire…
Plan and profile of streets in Sinaloa Tract No. 2 located in Rancho Simi. Upper section of the sheet shows map of portions of two unnamed streets, plus a section of an existing paved road. Locations for water lines, valves and a fire hydrant are…
Plan and profile of streets, sewers, water lines, curbs and gutters for a portion of the El Camino Ranchos No. 1 tract in the City of San Buenaventura. The upper section of sheet shows parts of South Joanne Avenue, South Dos Caminos Avenue, Elizabeth…
Plan and profile of streets, sewers, water lines, curbs and gutters for a portion of the El Camino Ranchos No. 1 tract in the City of San Buenaventura. The upper section of the sheet shows parts of Preble Avenue, South Joanne Avenue, South Dos…
Plan and profile of streets, sewers and water connections for a portion of the El Camino Ranchos No. 1 tract in the City of San Buenaventura. Upper section of the sheet shows map of parts of Sereno Avenue, South Joanne Avenue, South Dos Caminos…
Plan and profile of streets, sewers and water connections for a portion of the El Camino Ranchos No. 1 tract in the City of San Buenaventura. Upper section of the sheet shows map of parts of Elizabeth Street, Sereno Avenue and Beacon Avenue. Lots…
Plan and profile of streets, sewers and water connections for a portion of the El Camino Ranchos No. 1 tract in the City of San Buenaventura. Upper section of the sheet shows map of parts of Elizabeth Street and Preble Avenue. Lots numbered 45…
Plan and profile of streets, sewers and water connections for a portion of the El Camino Ranchos No. 1 tract in the City of San Buenaventura. Upper section of the sheet shows map of parts of South Dos Caminos Avenue, Sereno Avenue and Beacon Avenue.…
Plan and profile of streets, sewers and water connections for a portion of the El Camino Ranchos No. 1 tract in the City of San Buenaventura. Upper section of the sheet shows map of parts of South Dos Caminos Avenue and Preble Avenue. Lots numbered…
Plan and profile of streets, sewers and water connections for a portion of the El Camino Ranchos No. 1 tract in the City of San Buenaventura. Upper section of the sheet shows map of parts of South Dos Caminos Avenue, Sereno Avenue and Beacon Avenue.…
Plan and profile of streets, sewers and water connections for a portion of the El Camino Ranchos No. 1 tract in the City of San Buenaventura. Upper section of the sheet shows map of parts of South Joanne Avenue and Preble Avenue. Lots numbered 1 to 7…
Plan and profile of streets, water connections and drainage easement for a portion of the Sinaloa Tract No. 2 in Rancho Simi. Upper section of the sheet shows map of a portion of Sinaloa Road and parts of two unnamed streets. Lots numbered 38 and 39…
Black line water plan of Tract No. 1267 in Simi Valley. Upper left corner shows map of Vera Cruz, La Paz, Los Amigos, Acapulco and Taxco Drives, Madera Road, and Lots 1-55. Along right and bottom sides of sheet are notes and several detail…
Brown line on sepia drawing of typical cross sections section of J Street, Tract No. 1108 of Oxnard Estates Unit No. 6. Shows cross section, mesh and slab anchor, planting schedule, and water outlets. Illustrations located on top half of the sheet. …
Drawing showing typical details and sections for streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, water service connections and sewer house connections for the El Camino Ranchos No. 1 tract in the City of San Buenaventura. Sheet 2 of 12.
Map of Ventura Motors 8-inch water main connection between Victoria Avenue and Telephone Road. Shows several buildings including the Ventura Motors showroom and service area, Union Oil Station, Thriftimart, and other businesses. Bold line indicating…