A storm drain improvement plan in Tract No. 4311-4 for Tyler Avenue. Map of area is shown in the lower section of sheet. Lots 93,94, 95, 96, 98 through 105 and 120-124 are shown. Upper section of sheet shows a profile of Tyler Avenue and drawings for…
Plan and profile of streets and a drainage easement in Sinaloa Tract No. 2 located in Rancho Simi. Upper section of the sheet shows map of portions of two unnamed streets. Locations for water lines, valves and a fire hydrant are indicated. Lots…
Plan and profile of streets and a drainage easement in Sinaloa Tract No. 2 located in Rancho Simi. Upper section of the sheet shows map of portions of two unnamed streets. Locations for water lines, valves and fire hydrants are indicated. Lots…
Plan and profile for a street and a drainage easement in Sinaloa Tract No. 2 located in Rancho Simi. Upper section of the sheet shows map of a portion of an unnamed street that terminates in a cul-de-sac. Locations for a water line, valves and a fire…
Plan and profile of streets, water connections and drainage easement for a portion of the Sinaloa Tract No. 2 in Rancho Simi. Upper section of the sheet shows map of a portion of Sinaloa Road and parts of two unnamed streets. Lots numbered 38 and 39…
Survey map of a portion of Subdivisions 76 and 84, Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia. Made for Title Insurance and Trust Co. Area of interest is adjacent to Arnold Road and the Pacific Ocean. Location of a drainage ditch is indicated.
Survey map of part of Lot 6, Edward Meek Company Subdivision, Subdivision No. 4, made for Somis Lumber Company. Property located at intersection of Los Angeles Avenue and Bradley Road. The location of an existing ditch is shown and a right-of-way…
Tentative map for subdivision of the Campus View Tract, being a part of the Day Tract, a part of Lots 3 and 4 Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy. Area of interest located east of Day Road and North of Telegraph Road. Lots numbered 1 to 180 are indicated on…
Black line on plastic plan of Tract No. 1536-2, Madera Road, Simi Valley. Top half of sheet shows map and drawings. Map of Madera Road and Lots 61-67. Drawings include details and cross sections of Madera and curbs. Bottom half of sheet shows…
Updated preliminary grading plan of Oak Creek Senior Housing, Thousand Oaks. Shows topographic lines overlaid with paved pathways and foliage around housing complex. Shows Thousand Oaks Boulevard, concrete channel, and an outlined field indicating a…
Updated site plan for Oak Creek Senior Housing, Thousand Oaks. Shows senior housing complex in bold. Shows Thousand Oaks Boulevard, Conejo Creek, storm drain, sidewalk, parking, and location of tree trunks but not foliage.
Vicinity map showing area of a drainage study for Oxnard Drainage District No. 1. Area boundaries are Gonzales Road, Ventura Road, Channel Islands Boulevard and McGrath Road. The Ventura Airport and Southern California Edison's cooling water…
Map and engineering drawings of drainage details for Hacienda Estates in Simi Valley. Map is marked as VOID in lower right corner. Top half of sheet shows map showing exterior boundary of Hacienda Estates, Cadiz Drive cul-de-sac, and Lots 37 and…
A water improvement plan in Tract No. 4311-4, including connections and meters for Lots 95 through 110 on Roosevelt Avenue, Roosevelt Court, Tyler Avenue and Tyler Court, located near intersection of Foothill Road and North Kimball Road. Includes an…