Image shows a portion of the irrigation channel at Daily Ranch. In the foreground are the irrigation structure and flowing water. In the background farmland expands into the distance. To the left of the image a fence can be seen. In the far…
Close up image of the irrigation channel at Daily Ranch. The foreground shows the channel of flowing water. To the left and right of the channel there is uneven coarsely tilled soil.
Image shows an irrigation channel on Daily Ranch. The channel can stretches from foreground to background. On both sides of the canal there is farmland and in the far distance there is row of trees.
Image shows an irrigation canal on Daily Ranch. The channel stretches from foreground to background. On both sides of the canal there is farmland and in the far distance there is a row of trees.
Image depicts a irrigation channel at daily ranch flowing with water. In the background standing beside the channel there is a man with a shovel and two women. Behind the people in the picture there is a building to the left of the image and two…