Browse Items (3 total)

Pack Train Ride
Picture shows four men hiking along a trail in a line. The man leading the group is riding on a donkey. Three men on foot and a second donkey follow behind. Two men and second donkey are directly behind the leading man, the last man is on the left…

Group Photo, Ocean View Trail
Snapshot, group photo of 2 adults and 2 children on horseback on a rocky trail. "L-R: Alfonzo Vanegas, Kay Haley, Margaret Hunt, Walter Hoffman. Chismahoo Ranch, 28 June 1932, Ocean View Trail." Photo is in a decorative border, handwritten along the…

Castle Gorge Near Wheeler Hot Springs
View of a man riding horseback along the Castle Gorge trail near Wheeler Hot Springs. A fallen tree leans against the cliff face of the gorge.
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