Map of part of Subdivisions 9 and 10, Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia, being the El Rio Ranch and A. L. Hobson Estate. Shows a portion of State Highways and Southern Pacific Railroad.
Map of Subdivisions 92 and 93 Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia, showing survey for Mr. Louis E. Brucker. Shows portions of Saviers Road, Pleasant Valley Road, Perkins Road, Garden Tract, and the site of a well.
Map of Survey of portion of Lot 2 of Rancho Ex-Mission San Buenaventura, made for Teague Lemon Ranch. Shows a portion of Middle Road and the grant line of Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy.
Map showing Boundary Line Survey between Rancho San Miguel and El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia, Ventura County, Calif. "[F]rom Grant Cor. 'R.C. 40' to Sub'd Cor. 'S 246.'" Shows lands belonging to Ventura Co. Mtg. Corp., J. Callens, So. Counties…
Blue survey map of the James Fix Tract located in a part of Lot 8, Ventura. The map is located in the upper left quadrant of the document with the remainder of the document dedicated to signatures pertaining to the map. The tract is located between…
British-American Oil Producing Company Map showing Survey of the Louis Hartman Lease, Tract A, Rancho Canada Larga o Verde, Ventura County, Calif. Shows portions of Ventura Avenue, and lands in the Louis Hartman Lease to British-American Oil…
J. N. Proctor & L. S. Lothridge map showing Survey of part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 25 T4N R19W, San Bernardino Meridian, Ventura County, Calif. Shows portions of the Santa Paula Railroad and Telegraph Road.
Survey of portion of Tract 1, Rancho Ex-Mission San Buenaventura, Ventura County, Calif. Made at the request of the Veterans Welfare Board. Shows portions of Middle Road, Foothill Road, and lands marked Lafe Brown.
Map showing a survey of Subdivision of Tract 10, Tract 11 and Tract 44 in Rancho Las Posas. Made for Katherine F. and T. W. Price. Shows Los Angeles Avenue and lands belonging to D. T. Perkins, Bert Culbert, F. Aggen, and B. I. Co.
Map of part of Tract 18 Bard Subdivision, Rancho Ojai, Ventura County, Calif. Survey made for G. R. McComb. Shows portions of Gridley Road, Grand Avenue, and lands belonging to Hobert R Cole, G. R. McComb, Marjorie E. Lagomarsino, and Richard A.…
Map of part of Tract 18 of the Bard Subdivision, Rancho Ojai, showing survey made for Mr. G. R. McComb. Shows portions of Grand Avenue, Gridley Road, and lands belonging to Richard A. Gates, Marjorie E. Lagomarsino, and Hobert R. Cole.
Map showing Survey of a portion of Tract 2, Rancho Sespe and Section 12 T4N R20W, Ventura County, Calif. Made at the request of the heirs of Sarah Akers, deceased. Shows portion of Goodenough Road, and the locations of three sycamore and oak trees.
Map showing survey of a portion of Tract 37, Rancho Ojai. Made of Mabel A. Boughey. Also shows a portion of Lot 3 Section 16 T4N R21W, and Santa Paula-Ojai Road (California Highway 150).
Ojai Star Institute Map showing survey locating the North and West lines as per (Bk. 491-12 O.R.), the North line (Bk. 23-258 O.R.), the South and East lines (Bk. 491-14 O.R.), Tract 7 - Bard Subdivision, Rancho Ojai. Shows portions of Maricopa Road,…
Pencil map of part of Tract 7 Bard Subdivision, Rancho Ojai. Showing survey for Arthur E. Woolman. Shows portions of Mesa Drive, Arnaz Avenue, El Roblar Avenue, and land belonging to Arthur E. Woolman.
Map showing part of Tract 7 of the Bard Subdivision, Rancho Ojai, made for the Ojai Star Institute. Shows portions of Lomita Avenue, El Plaiyo Drive, El Rio Drive, Mesa Drive, El Roblar Drive, and Maricopa Road. Also shows Hall Tuttle Tract Number 3…
Map showing Survey of a portion of Tract 96, Rancho Las Posas made at the request of The Las Posas Water Co. Shows a portion of Stockton Road and the site for Las Posas Water Co. Reservoir.
Map of the W. S. Charnley Property, being part of Tract A, Rancho Santa Ana. Shows a portion of Coyote Creek, Dunshee Road, and the Robinson, Fawcett, and Dean Subdivision.
Survey of a portion of Tract D, Rancho Ex-Mission. Made for M. H. Butcher, owner. Shows the grant line of Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy, and lands belonging to M. H. Butcher.
Black line Record of Survey of a portion of the Rancho Las Posas, being Tracts 69, 70, and a part of Tract 63, as surveyed and subdivided in 1888 by John T. Stow. Containing 1,089.46 acres. Atholl McBean and Margaret Newhall McBean, owners of record.
Map of part of Tracts A and B, Rancho Santa Ana, showing survey made for William F. Battin. Shows a portion of Baldwin Road/Maricopa Road (State Route 150), the Robinson, Fawcett and Dean Subdivision, and lands belonging to Obiols and West, Dunshee,…
Map showing survey of 1.935 and 169.367 acre parcels, Rancho Guadalasca. Made for James Hughan. Shows portions of Somis Road, Rancho Ex-Mission San Buenaventura, Rancho Calleguas, and land belonging to the state of California.