Browse Items (1057 total)

Topographic Map of Lot 88, Ventura Heights Tract, San Buenaventura
Topographic map of Lot 88, Ventura Heights Tract, San Buenaventura. Area of interest shown in bold with topographic lines. Bordered by Sunset Drive to the northeast, by Terrace Drive to the southwest, by Lot 87, and by Lot 89 to the southeast.…

Map of Drainage for Lot Number 41, Tract 1703-1, Ventura County
Map of drainage for Lot number 41, Tract 1703-1, Ventura County. Shows lot, patio, house, cone walk, driveway, and drain plan, with house outlined in bold. Separate figures show profile of water trap and landscaping.

Parcel Map of Portion of Blocks 21, 15, 16, and 27, San Buenaventura
Parcel map of portion of Blocks 21, 15, 16, and 27, San Buenaventura. Area of interest shown in bold and divided into parcels of land labeled A and B. Bordered by Ventura Freeway to the southwest, San Jon [sic] Road to the southeast, and additional…

Owner's Certificate for Area of Interest, Ventura
Signature sheet for Blocks 21, 25, 26, and 27 of an addition to the city of San Buenaventura. Shows various certificates and notarized signatures, including those of property owners, engineers, and notary.

R. H. Roussey Project File, Silveria Rest Home and Bowling Alley
A project file for R. H. Roussey consisting of sketches, survey maps, correspondence, field notes, and more. This file pertains to the Sylveria Rest Home and to the adjacent bowling alley. Shows surveys and plans for irrigation lines, property…

Vicinity Map for Study of Drainage Facilities, Oxnard Drainage District No. 1
Vicinity map showing area of a drainage study for Oxnard Drainage District No. 1. Area boundaries are Gonzales Road, Ventura Road, Channel Islands Boulevard and McGrath Road. The Ventura Airport and Southern California Edison's cooling water…

Survey Mof Proposed Land Division, Tract A, Rancho Santa Ana
Survey map for a proposed land division in Tract A, Rancho Santa Ana. Lots 1 to 13 are situated along Noguera Avenue and Avenal Street, south of Santa Ana Road. Acreage and valuation data (in black ink) is shown for each lot. Adjacent property…

Approvals and Signatures Sheet, Tract No. 1757 (1 of 2)
Approvals and signature sheet for Tract No. 1757, being a part of Lot 4 and a part of the N.E. 1/4 of the S.W. 1/4 of Section 27, T2N R21W, S.B.B.M. Sheet contains places for signatures of various individuals, such as the deputy county recorder, the…

Standard Cover Sheet for Subdivision Improvement Plans, Tract No. 1757, Camarillo (1 of 11)
Standard Cover Sheet for Subdivision Improvement Plans, Tract No. 1757, City of Camarillo. Sheet has location and vicinity maps, an index of drawings, various typewritten notes, and places for signatures. Several notes are handwritten in red…

Cover Sheet and Vicinity Map For 12" Water Main on Bristol Road, Neath Street and Telephone Road, City of San Buenaventura (1 of 7)
Cover sheet and vicinity map for construction of a 12" water main on Bristol Road, Neath Street and Telephone Road. Includes a list of members of the city council and the city manager. Sheet 1 of 7.

Cover Sheet and Vicinity Map For 12" Water Main on Foothill Road, City of San Buenaventura (1 of 5)
Cover sheet and vicinity map for construction of a 12" water main on Foothill Road from Victoria Avenue to Imperial Avenue. Includes a list of members of the city council and the city manager. Sheet 1 of 5.

Certificates for Parcel Map of Division of Tracts 2 and 3, Subdivision 53, Oxnard
Certificates for parcel map of division of Tracts 2 and 3, Subdivision 53, Oxnard. Shows various certificates and notarized signatures, including those of easement owners, the city engineer, and the city council.

Title Sheet for Tract No. 1272 Subdivision 43, Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia
A signature sheet for Tract 1272, being part of Subdivision 43, Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia. Shows signatures of various officials and related parties signing approval for the project.

Title Sheet for Tract No. 1272 Subdivision 43, Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia
A signature sheet for Tract 1272, being part of Subdivision 43, Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia. Shows signatures of various officials and related parties signing approval for the project.

Survey of Part of Tract G, Rancho Simi and a Part of Santa Rosa Rancho
Survey map of Rancho Simi Tract G, located immediately north of Camarillo Road. Shows portions of adjacent Tracts F and M. Survey points and data are indicated along the property lines as well as along Camarillo Road. Pipeline, well-site, dam, and…

Improvements Bordering State Highway, Lot 138, Ojai Terrace
Map and engineering drawings showing improvements bordering State Highway 399 at Lot 158, Ojai Terrace. Current museum records indicate what is shown on map as State Highway and Maricopa Road is currently Highway 33 (Maricopa Highway) and Ventura…

Plan and Profile for Waterline Details for Ojai Terrace
Plan and profile of 8" transite water line details of valve and meter box, chlorination box, and manhole addition for Ojai Terrace. The left side of the document shows the location and depth of the line from Meiners Road along Maricopa Road to a…

Plan, Profile & Details for Prolongation of Vallerio Avenue, Ojai Terrace
Plan, profile, and details for prolongation of Vallerio Avenue in Ojai. Top left portion of documents shows map of the intersection of Vallerio Avenue and Descanso Avenue, and Vallerio with Ventura Avenue, and Lots 41, 47, 45, and 83. Other…

Road Widening of Anacapa Corner at Telegraph Road and Mills Road
Road widening plans of road widening at Anacapa Corner in Ventura. Top half of sheet shows two maps of the intersection of Mills and Telegraph Roads, with accompanying illustrations of the typical cross sections for Telegraph Road and for Mills Road.…

Tract No. 1536-2, Acapulco Avenue, Simi Valley (1 of 12
Black line on plastic plan of Tract No. 1536-2, Acapulco Avenue, Simi Valley. Top half of sheet shows map of Acapulco Avenue, intersections with Taxco and La Paz Courts, and Lots 36, 51-52, and 60-67. Two additional maps shown on left and right…

Tract No. 1536-2, Taxco Court, Simi Valley (2 of 12)
Black line on plastic plan of Tract No. 1536-2, Taxco Court, Simi Valley. Top half of sheet shows map of Taxco Court, intersection with Acapulco Avenue, and Lots 52-60. Drawing of driveway detail shown to left of map. Bottom half of sheet shows…

Tract No. 1536-2, La Paz Court, Simi Valley (3 of 12)
Black line on plastic plan of Tract 1536-2. La Paz Court, Simi Valley. Top half of sheet shows drawings and map. Map of La Paz Court, intersection with Acapulco Avenue, and Lots 36-51. Drawings include plans of a drainage structure and several detail…

Tract No. 1536-2, Madera Road, Simi Valley (4 of 12)
Black line on plastic plan of Tract No. 1536-2, Madera Road, Simi Valley. Top half of sheet shows map and drawings. Map of Madera Road and Lots 61-67. Drawings include details and cross sections of Madera and curbs. Bottom half of sheet shows…

Tract No. 1536-2, La Paz Court, Simi Valley (5 of 12)
Black line on plastic plan of Tract No. 1536-2, La Paz Court, Simi Valley. Shows topographic map of La Paz Court and Lots 40-47. Grading Plan Sheet Index shows map with map shown in relation to sheets 6 and 7. Plan includes drawings of cross sections…

Tract 1536-2, Taxco and La Paz Courts, Simi Valley (6 of 12)
Black line on plastic plan of Tract 1536-2, Taxco and La Paz Courts, Simi Valley. Shows topographic map of Taxco and La Paz Courts, and Lots 37-39, 48-50, and 53-59. Includes drawings of two cross sections indicated on map, a typical section of…
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