Keene Reel 8, Mountain Life and Fishing



Keene Reel 8, Mountain Life and Fishing


2021-1.8 AV (Keene Reel 8)


Herman Keene Collection, 2021
Funding support for the digitization of this material was generously provided by The Schwemm Family Foundation.
Accession No.: 2021-1


Black-and-white, with some sepia, footage of different scenes, some disturbing and graphic, that mainly include wilderness, mountains, camping, and fishing.

Man and pack horse walking up steep trail; Woman stalking deer in brush; Giant pine trees; Man walking through boulders; Body of young man in casket at funeral home; Two men at a gravesite under a tent that reads "Bardsdale"; Parade walkers with sign that reads "Junior Auxiliary Unit 48"; Keene posing with car; Man leading horse down steep path on sheer cliff, appears to duplicate other footage; Two men rolling a mesh or screen contraption that is about 18" in diameter and 6 feet long with a bicycle tire under it in the middle; Wilderness clearing; Car driving below snowy hillside; Horse tied up outside cabin in snow, man walking out of cabin and splitting firewood; Indiscernible upside down and reversed footage; Housecat walking through yard and drinking milk; Man carrying box in outdoors; Car driving down busy street with horse tied to it, running alongside; Exterior of white house with large columns, man leading horse through yard, with footage of the horse's feet; Deer in a field; dilapidated or burned cabin; Man exiting car next to large sign on roadsite that reads "No Smoking Beyond This Point, Ord. No 201"; Sign with woods beyond that reads "Camp and Picnic Fires Permitted Only at Designated Camp Grounds", camera pans to show wooden fencing and metal gate; Camp site with two cars, small table, women in background and cooking holding small child; Man walking through tall grass and scanning the ground; Pile of tires in front of theater with sign advertising Shirley Temple and Baby Face Harrington, people gathered around truck with sign that reads "Good Year Tires", children and women lined up with tires, turning them in to men at truck; Upside down footage of cabin; Dog running into woods; Panorama of valley; Cabin or animal pen; Large birds circling in the sky; Backwards, upside down footage of rattlesnake; Same young man in coffin, same scene in cemetery; Footage of wilderness, panorama of hillsides, possibly Piedra Blanca; Five horses and six people in the yard of a large white house, then riding away; Large body of water at bottom of steep hillside; Group of people inspecting something in rocks at ocean; Sepia footage of wilderness, out of focus; Man and boy walking through brush, pulling a cart or trailer out of the brush; Fishing boat, large fish carcasses, one being lifted with a hoist; Men transferring wooden crates or fishing pots into small boat at pier; Yard scene, with two girls, two horses, a boy, and dogs; Man walking onto platform, inspecting field with trees and tall grass; Keene lifting leg of pack horse; Two men talking next to car with train in background; Two dogs in woods; Fishing boat, men in boat, birds flying above water; Cliffs; Three small row boats, two larger boats on water; Man walking up steep hill with boulders; Man standing on bowsprit of boat, holding long ploe in the water, possibly spearing something; Group of people fishing with rods from boat; Confused footage of man on bowsprit spearing animal with large dorsal fin; Same building that is either animal pen or cabin; Man and horse walking up steep trail.




No date


Black and White Film
Sepia Film
Home Movie
15 min., 8 sec.


Mountain life
Boats and boating


Ventura County (Calif.)


Museum of Ventura County


The copyright to this film has not been determined. These images are intended for personal or research use only. Please contact library staff for rights determinations and additional uses.





Original Format

16mm film reel


15:08 at 18 fps


Unknown, “Keene Reel 8, Mountain Life and Fishing,” Research Library at The Museum of Ventura County, accessed March 12, 2025,