Polaroid showing a poster with a black and white picture of Estevan Wypooke of Injaja processing seeds with a basket. Text under the image reads, "Estevan Wypooke of Inaja separating the seed from the chaff by the skillful manipulation of the bateo…
View of the entrance to Steckel Park. Shows rough, rock walls bordering the entrance. Trees and hills in background. Sign reading "Steckel Park" on one side of the entrance.
Street scene of Main Street and Seaward Avenue showing the Bolyard & Son Studebaker and Jeep Agency. Row of cars parked on street outside of agency. Other businesses in background.
Exterior view of Watson's Furniture at 138 E. Main Street, next to National Market. Lamps, chairs, and other furniture visible through store windows. Painted above door is a maple leaf with words reading "Maple and Birch."
Street view of Main Street and Seaward Avenue showing John Taft Electric. Signs for GE Appliances and Westinghouse Appliances above windows. Store sign and GE billboard above roof. Large appliances such as washing machines visible through windows.…
A plan for placement of signage and street striping for Tract No. 4311-4 on Roosevelt Avenue, Roosevelt Court, Tyler Avenue, Tyler Court and segments of Foothill Road and Kimball Road. Lots 95 through 110 are shown. Includes an area map, legend and…