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Chumash Dancer at San Buenaventura Mission Bicentennial
Polaroid showing an outdoor scene at Plaza Park in downtown Ventura. A Chumash man wearing regalia dances in the center view. He is partially obscured by shadow. Crowd visible in background.

Museum records indicate that the event shown is the…

Chumash Dolphin Dancer at Albinger Museum
Close view of a Chumash Dolphin Dancer performing outdoors at the Albinger Archaeology Museum in Ventura. The man is dressed in regalia, and appears to be blowing on a flute-like instrument. Crowd of onlookers are visible in background.

Chumash Dancers in Museum Courtyard
Outdoor scene at the Ventura County Museum of History and Art [called Museum of Ventura County at time of writing, 2024] courtyard. Shows a Chumash man dancing and dressed in regalia. A second dancer is partially visible on the left side of the…

Three Chumash Dancers in Museum Courtyard
Outdoor scene at the Ventura County Museum of History and Art [called Museum of Ventura County at time of writing, 2024] courtyard. Shows two Chumash men and a young girl dressed in regalia. The girl stands between the men, and all three look towards…

Chumash Dancers in Museum Courtyard
Outdoor scene at the Ventura County Museum of History and Art [called Museum of Ventura County at time of writing, 2024] courtyard. Shows a Chumash man dancing and dressed in regalia. A second dancer is partially visible on the right side of the…

Chumash Dancers in Museum Courtyard
Outdoor scene at the Ventura County Museum of History and Art [called Museum of Ventura County at time of writing, 2024] courtyard. Shows two Chumash men dancing and dressed in regalia. The dancers stand side-by-side, facing in opposite directions. A…

Chumash Dancers in Museum Courtyard
Outdoor scene at the Ventura County Museum of History and Art [called Museum of Ventura County at time of writing, 2024] courtyard. Shows a two Chumash men dressed in regalia and dancing. A third person in regalia.

Museum records indicate that…

Nutcracker, Footworks Youth Ballet postcard
A maroon postcard depicting a group of children and one adult performing in the ballet The Nutcracker.

Verso: An invitation from the Oxnard Performing Arts Center to the Footworks Youth Ballet performance of The Nutcracker.

[Footworks Youth…
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