Browse Items (5 total)

The Starlite Bait Boat at Point Mugu
View of a bait boat named The Starlite dockside at Point Mugu, California. The skipper, Manuel Souza, stands at the wheel. Also depicted is the crew consisting of Jo and Johnny Souza, Andy Cato, Louis Oliver and Paul Helmich,

Fishermen Standing in Surf with Catch
Outdoor group photo of five men and one woman standing in the surf and holding a net full of fish. Taken in the vicinity of Mugu.

Surf Fishing Near Port Hueneme Pier
Outdoor scene of man surf fishing near Port Hueneme Pier. Exact location undetermined.

Men Surf Fishing Near Port Hueneme Pier
Outdoor scene on man sitting on beach surf fishing. Two other men, drift wood and rocks in photo. Near Port Hueneme Pier.

Men Surf Fishing Near Port Hueneme Pier
Distant outdoor shot of man surf fishing. Other men visible sitting on log fly fishing. Men on distant breakwater. Near Port Hueneme Pier.
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