Parcel map of part of Section 17, Rancho Simi. Area of interest shown in bold. Shows lots numbered 1-6 and 29 on intersection of Carmel Drive and Capri Drive and Capri Drive cul-de-sac.
Plan and profile of the Ventura Marina for the Pierpont Boulevard Expansion, City of Ventura. Top half of sheet shows map of Pierpont Boulevard and cul-de-sac. Bottom half shows elevation profiles. Sheet 7 of 7.
Map of grading plan of Taormina Lane and Taormina Court, Tract number 2446, Ojai. Shows land parcels accented in red ink. Profile drawings of street and gutter included.
Plan and profile of utilities for Taormina Lane and Taormina Court, Tract number 2446, Ojai. Shows Taormina Lane at intersection with Taormina Court. Map divided into two sections, with two figures on top and three on the bottom. Top left shows water…
Plan and profile of Taormina Lane intersection and cul-de-sac, Tract number 1956-1, Ojai. Map divided into two sections, with two figures each. Top left shows three-way intersection at Taormina Court, top right shows cul-de-sac on Taormina Court,…
Plan and profile of Taormina Lane intersections and Taormina Court, Tract number 1956-1, Ojai. Map divided into two sections, with two figures each. Top left shows Taormina Lane at three intersections, top right shows cul-de-sac on Taormina Lane,…
Map of grading plan of Tract number 1956-1, Ojai. Shows Taormina Lane, connected intersections and cul-de-sac, and land tracts numbered 1-26. Separate figures show slope of Taormina Lane in relation to existing grade, cross-section of Taormina Lane…
Plan and profile of Taormina Lane and Taormina Court, Tract number 2446, Ojai. Map divided into two sections, with two figures each. Top left shows Taormina Lane at Taormina Court, top right shows Taormina Court, a Court cul-de-sac, bottom shows…