A plat map of Tract 3614, being a subdivision of a portion of Lot 3 and all of Lot 4 of Block 34, and a portion of Lot 2 and all of Lot 1 of Block 35 of the Cooper Tract addition to the Town of San Buenaventura. Tract is located north of Poli…
A.L.T.A. survey, being a division of a portion of Lot 5, Rancho Calleguas, City of Camarillo. Area of interest, located north of Mission Oaks Boulevard and east of Lewis Road, shows a large existing building and adjacent parking areas. There is a…
A.L.T.A. survey, being a division of a portion of Lot 5, City of Camarillo. Area of interest is located north of Mission Oaks Boulevard and includes Parcels 1 and 2. Acreage of each parcel is indicated as well a locations of proposed easements. …
Plan for installation of a 12" water main on Foothill Road from Victoria Avenue to Imperial Avenue. Drawing shows a segment of Foothill Road east of Corbett Road to Imperial Avenue. Drawing indicates location of existing water lines, culverts,…
Plan for installation of a 12" water main on Foothill Road from Victoria Avenue to Imperial Avenue. Upper section of drawing shows a segment of Foothill Road from proposed Tract No. 1854-1 to Isla Drive. Lower section shows a segment of Foothill Road…
Plan for installation of a 12" water main on Foothill Road from Victoria Avenue to Imperial Avenue. Upper section of drawing shows a segment of Foothill Road from Ondulando Estates, Unit No. 1, to Ondulando Estates, Unit No. 2, including the…
Plan for installation of a 12" water main on Foothill Road from Victoria Avenue to Imperial Avenue. Drawing indicates location of existing water lines, gas lines, telephone company underground conduits, a Texaco petroleum pipeline and a concrete and…
Cover sheet and vicinity map for construction of a 12" water main on Foothill Road from Victoria Avenue to Imperial Avenue. Includes a list of members of the city council and the city manager. Sheet 1 of 5.
Plan for installation of a 12" water main on Telephone Road from Petit Avenue to Tract No. 1784. A segment of Telephone Road is shown between Sudden Barranca and the intersection with Gardner Avenue and eastward to the intersection with Rubicon…
Plan for installation of a 12" water main on Telephone Road from Petit Avenue to Tract No. 1784. Upper portion of sheet shows Telephone Road east of Clark Barranca and the intersection with Petit Avenue. Lower portion of sheets shows Telephone Road…
Plan for installation of a 12" water main on Neath Street from Tract No. 1796-1 to Tract No. 1333-7. Upper portion of sheet has a drawing of the intersection of Bristol Road, Montgomery Avenue and Neath Street as well as a drawing of Neath Street…
Plan and profile for installation of a 12" water main on Bristol Road from Tract No. 1796-1 to Tract No. 1333-7. Drawing indicates location of Southern Pacific Railroad tracks as well as existing sewers, telephone company underground conduits, a…
Plan for installation of a 12" water main on Bristol Road from Tract No. 1796-1 to Tract No. 1333-7. Shows connection with existing water mains on Airedale and Mandrill Avenues where they intersect with Bristol Road. Drawing indicates location of…
Plan for installation of a 12" water main on Bristol Road from Tract No. 1796-1 to Tract No. 1333-7 at intersection with Ramelli Avenue. Shows connection with existing water main on Ramelli. Sheet 2 of 7.
Cover sheet and vicinity map for construction of a 12" water main on Bristol Road, Neath Street and Telephone Road. Includes a list of members of the city council and the city manager. Sheet 1 of 7.
Map of proposed boundary for City of Meiners Oaks, Ventura County. Shows Rancho Santa Ana and Rancho Ojai areas, with proposed boundaries outlined in bold and City of Ojai shaded.
Sewer map for Ripley Street in Tract No. 1757, located in Camarillo. Area of interest is east of the intersection with Westpark Avenue. The upper portion of the sheet shows Lots 1 to 9 and an eight-inch sewer line in the middle of the street. The…
Sewer map for Westpark Avenue in Tract No. 1757, located in Camarillo. Area of interest is where the street intersects with Ponderosa Drive, Calle La Sombra and Ripley Street. The upper portion of the sheet shows Lots 1, 18 19 and 20 as well as an…
Grading map for Tract No.1757 located in Camarillo, including Ripley Street, Calle La Sombra, Ponderosa Drive and Westpark Avenue. Pads 1 to 29, with dimensions, are shown. Topographic elevation lines are indicated. There is an information block…
Plan and profile for N. Westpark Avenue, Tract No. 1757, located north of Ponderosa Drive in Camarillo. Lots 1, 18, 19 and 20 are marked. Upper section of sheet has drawings of a plan modification and a concrete cutoff wall detail. The lower portion…
Standard Cover Sheet for Subdivision Improvement Plans, Tract No. 1757, City of Camarillo. Sheet has location and vicinity maps, an index of drawings, various typewritten notes, and places for signatures. Several notes are handwritten in red…
Grading sheet for "pads" numbered 1 to 29 in Tract No. 1757. Streets in tract include Ripley Street, Calle La Sombra, Ponderosa Drive and Westpark Avenue. Notations and areas shaded with red pencil have been added to map.
Map of Tract No. 1757, being a part of Lot 4 and a part of the N.E. 1/4 of the S.W. 1/4 of Section 27, T2N R21W, S.B.B.M., Camarillo. Sheet has an area location map indicating tract's location. Streets in tract are W. Ripley Street, W. Calle La…
Approvals and signature sheet for Tract No. 1757, being a part of Lot 4 and a part of the N.E. 1/4 of the S.W. 1/4 of Section 27, T2N R21W, S.B.B.M. Sheet contains places for signatures of various individuals, such as the deputy county recorder, the…