Plan and profile of the sewer, street, and water connections of Five Points Park, City of San Buenaventura. Shows Eva Street and Porter Lane with water main illustrated on the street, and connections to the properties numbered 4-8, 112-121 and…
Plan and profile of the sewer, street, and water connections of Five Points Park, City of San Buenaventura. Shows South Brent Street and Channel Drive with water main illustrated on the street, and connections to the properties numbered 39-60 and…
Plan and profile of the sewer, street, and water connections of Five Points Park, City of San Buenaventura. Shows South Brent Street and Preble Avenue with water main illustrated on the street, and connections to the properties numbered 22-39 and…
Plan and profile of the sewer, street, and water connections of Five Points Park, City of San Buenaventura. Shows South Brent Street and Porter Lane with water main illustrated on the street, and connections to the properties numbered 14-21 and…
Plan and Profile of the sewer, street, and water connections of Five Points Park, City of San Buenaventura. Shows Channel Drive, Frances Street, Eva Street, and South Brent Street with water main illustrated on the street, and connections to the…
Plan and Profile of the sewer, street, and water connections of Five Points Park, City of San Buenaventura. Shows Preble Avenue, Frances Street, Eva Street, and South Brent Street with water main illustrated on the street, and connections to the…
Plan and Profile of the sewer, street, and water connections of Five Points Park, City of San Buenaventura. Shows Porter Lane, Frances Street, Eva Street, and South Brent Street with water main illustrated on the street, and connections to the…
Engineering drawing of miscellaneous details of the street, sewer, and water connections in Five Points Park, City of San Buenaventura. Top half of the drawing shows illustrations of the Sewer-House Connection, cross sections of gutters on Channel…
L. C. Hawley and Estate of C. E. Hawley Map showing Survey of part of Lots 12 and 13, Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy, Ventura County, Calif. Shows portions of Wells Road, Telegraph Road, Foothill Road, and the edge of Rancho Ex-Mission San…
Topographical map of a portion of the U.S. Lighthouse Reservation, City of Santa Barbara, made for Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. Shows the Pacific Ocean in relation to the cliff face, and portions of land belonging to the U.S. Coast Guard…
Cover page for a survey of Five Points Park, City of San Buenaventura. Described as being a Subdivision of portions of Subdivisions 2 and 3 of map of the west half of Rancho San Miguel. Recorded in Book 5, pg. 32 of Miscellaneous Records and Maps of…
Brown line Survey of Five Points Park in the City of San Buenaventura. Shows Frances Street, Eva Street, South Brent Street, Channel Drive, and a portion of the Southern Pacific Railroad. Various numbered properties also appear on the map. Sheet 2 of…
Brown line Survey of Five Points Park in the City of San Buenaventura. Shows Frances Street, Eva Street, South Brent Street, and Preble Avenue. Various numbered properties also appear on the map. Sheet 3 of 4.
Brown line Survey of Five Points Park in the City of San Buenaventura. Shows Frances Street, Eva Street, South Brent Street, Porter Lane, as well as Thompson Boulevard, Telegraph Road, Main Street and a portion of the State Highway. Various numbered…
Map of part of Subdivision 76, Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia, Ventura County, Calif. Showing Survey for Ventura County Game Preserve Association. Includes portions of Arnold Road and Casper Road.
Map showing Survey of a portion of Subdivision 76, Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia, Ventura County, Calif. Made for Ventura County Game Preserve Association. Shows portions of Arnold Road and Casper Road, and land belonging to Charles…
Map mad for Ventura County Game Preserve Association in Subdivision 76, Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia. Shows lands belonging to the Ventura County Game Preserve Association south of Casper Road. Land is divided into even portions. Club…
Survey map in black line of Ventura County Game Preserve. Shows portions of Casper Road and Arnold Road. The map indicates some coordinates and portions of land.
Gray line map showing Survey for Edwin Diedrich of a part of Lot 1 Subdivision Subdivision 34, Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia. Shows a 1.74 acre parcel as well as boundary line with Subdivision 35, and streets including Mountain View Road,…
Gray line stencil topographical survey for W. Ray Beene of Lots 150 and 152 Ventura Heights, City of San Buenaventura. Shows Pacific Avenue and two unnamed roads.
Gray line stencil topographical survey for W. Ray Beene of Lot 151 Ventura Heights, City of San Buenaventura. Shows Lots 149-153, as well as Linda Vista Avenue.
Gray line stencil map of part of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 10 T3N R24W, showing location of Hobson-Hoffman No. 1 for Amerada Petroleum Corporation. Shows Rancho Santa Ana grant line.
Map of a portion of Section 10, T10S, R27E, East Palatka, Fla. Less 25 feet for road right-of-way. Formerly property of W. Weston Brown. Drawn per instructions of Oran Weston Brown. Shows lot divided into 11 sections, labeled to Jennie Gertrude…
Map of Survey of a portion of Section 12 T4N R20W San Bernadino Meridian made for Milton W. Vedder, Owner. Shows a portion of Grand Avenue and Rancho Sespe Tract 2 and Sespe Creek. Shows properties belonging to Milton W. Vedder and E. E. Elander.