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Basket Making Demonstration at San Buenaventura Mission Bicentennial
Polaroid showing an outdoor scene at Plaza Park in downtown Ventura. Closeup view of Native American baskets at a basketmaking demonstration table. People are handling the weaving materials and looking at completed baskets.

Museum records…

Basket Making Demonstration at San Buenaventura Mission Bicentennial
Polaroid showing an outdoor scene at Plaza Park in downtown Ventura. In the center of the image woman wearing a "cowboy" hat and spotted skirt is weaving a basket. Beside her is a table of baskets and weaving supplies, including what appears to be a…

Chumash Basketmakers and Little Girl on Mission Steps
Two Chumash women basket makers and a little girl on the San Buenaventura Mission steps. One woman is visible from the side only and the other is smiling at the camera. Photograph identifies them on a caption at the bottom of photo reading:…

Basketmakers and Little Girl on Mission Steps
Two Chumash women basket makers pose in the sun on the San Buenaventura Mission steps. Between them sits a little girl. Left to right: Apolonia Guzman, Soraida Garcia, Petra. The women are smiling at the camera. Bottom of photo reads "In the Sun."
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