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[User contributed description]
Left to right back row: Oldest daughter Venita, Jacinta, Alvino. Front row: Transito de la Muerte, Teodoro, Guadalupe

1918: Transito de la Muerte and sister Venita at their home 389 Charles St. Moorpark
[User contributed description]
The history of one of the Corralejo families of Moorpark. There were several, all related.

1930:  Jacinta and Alvino Corralejo of Moorpark CA.
[User contributed description]
Early pioneers of Moorpark and many more Corralejos including Alvino's father Lucio also of Moorpark.

1951: Corralejo cousins from Charles St. in Moorpark
[User contributed description]
Left to Right: Robert, Adolfo, Jess, Luis Jr., Transito de la Muerte, Teodoro, Jorge

[User contributed description]
Very mobile and independent at 95, Alvino maintained his house nearby Transito de la Muerte's house which he gifted to him. He gardened a great deal on his yard and Transito's too. He passed at 97 years.
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