Browse Items (130 total)

Amended Map of the Town of Saticoy Lots 85 and 86 Being Part of Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy map
Amended map of the town of Saticoy, lots 85 and 86 being part of Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy.
[Notes: Area of 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th Streets in Saticoy, Calif; L - 5, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Untitled Area Along South Mt. Rd. East of Santa Paula Calif. map
Untitled, area along South Mt. Rd. east of Santa Paula, Calif.
[Notes: Sect. 7 of T3N - R20W; K - 6, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Untitled Area Between Telegraph Rd. and Conejo Rd. map
Untitled, area between Telegraph Rd. and Conejo Rd.
[Notes: L - 4, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Untitled E of Santa Paula map
Untitled, E of Santa Paula.
[Notes: Sect. 6 & 7 of T3N - R20W; J, K - 6, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Untitled Area N and E of Santa Paula Calif. map
Untitled, area N and E of Santa Paula, Calif.
[Notes: Sect. 1, 2, & 11 of T3N - R21W; J, K - 6, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Untitled: being the area N of Arroyo Simi, part of T2
& 3N - R19W
[Notes: K, L - 8, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Untitled Area SE of Santa Paula Calif. map
Untitled, area SE of Santa Paula, Calif.
[Notes: Record copy with two blueprint copies; K - 6, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Untitled Area SE of Santa Paula Calif. map
Untitled, area SE of Santa Paula, Calif.
[Notes: Copy one of M995A; K - 6, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Bardsdale, Fillmore, and Sespe Area map
Bardsdale, Calif., Fillmore, Calif., and Sespe area.
[Notes: Three part map, Sespe area, 1in. to 200 ft., no date; Bardsdale, 1892, 1 in. to 100 ft; Fillmore, 1888, 1 in. to 100 ft; J - 7, 8, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura…

Changes in Foothill Road by Culp and Huntley Property map
Changes in Foothill Road by Culp and Huntley property
[Notes: K, L - 4, 5, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

City of Oxnard map
City of Oxnard : being Block T
[Notes: M - 4, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Untitled Coastal Area from Arroyo de los Sauces Southward Past Pitas Point map
Untitled, coastal area from Arroyo de los Sauces southward past Pitas Point
[Notes: K - 2, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Creek Road Area--Arnaz Terrace map
Creek Road area near San Antonio Drive, "Arnaz Terrace"
[Notes: Creek Road area south of Ojai; J - 3, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Creek Road Change Over Riva Property map
Creek Road change over Riva Property: Road District No. 2 petitioned by B. F. Spencer, et al
[Notes: San Antonio Creek Area; J - 3, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Creek Road Changes Rancho Ojai Area map
"Map of a change in the Creek Road through lands of C. D. Bonestel, Ojai Land Co., and N. J. Bond in the Rancho Ojai"
[Notes: J - 3, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Derbyshire Tract in Santa Paula Calif. map
Map of Derbyshire Tract, City of Santa Paula, California
[Notes: Area between River St. and Mupu St. in the vicinity of 7th St. in Santa Paula, Calif; K - 6, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Untitled, east side of Santa Paula Calif. map
Untitled, east side of Santa Paula, Calif.
[Notes: Sec 11 & 12 of T3N - R21W and Sec 7 of T3N - R20W; K - 6, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Untitled East Side of Santa Paula Calif Crossing of Railroad and Rt 126 map
Untitled, east side of Santa Paula, Calif, crossing of railroad and Rt. 126.
[Notes: Sect. 1, 2, 11, & 12 of T3N - R21W; K - 6, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Fillmore Area Along Southern Pacific Railroad map
Fillmore area, along Southern Pacific Railroad.
[Notes: Part in Section 25 of T4N - R20W; J - 7, 8, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Fillmore Area, Wileman Estate Subdivision map
Fillmore area: Wileman Estate subdivision
[Notes: Part of lot 3 & 4, Sec. 1; T3N - R20W; J - 7, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Fillmore City map
Fillmore City
[Notes: J - 8, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Fillmore Calif map
Fillmore, Calif.
[Notes: J - 8, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Fillmore Calif map
Fillmore, Calif. "Map of Fillmore City, Calif."
[Notes: J - 8, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Fillmore Municipal Reservoir Addition and Part of Lot 14 of Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy map
Fillmore Municipal Reservoir addition and part of Lot 14 of Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy.
[Notes: Reference map coordinates for Rancho Santa Paula portion not defined; J - 8, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Fillmore, California in the Sespe Road District map
Part of Tract 2 of Rancho Sespe in T4N - R19 & 20W
[Notes: J - 8, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]
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