Browse Items (130 total)

Stowe-Goodenough Subdivision Part of Lot 19 of Fillmore Subdivision of Rancho Sespe map
Stowe-Goodenough subdivision, part of lot 19 of Fillmore subdivision of Rancho Sespe.
[Notes: Area of Santa Clara St., Olive St., Palm St., Central Ave., and Ventura St. in Fillmore, Calif; J - 8, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of…

City of Oxnard map
City of Oxnard : being Block T
[Notes: M - 4, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Portion of lot 30 of tract 1 of Rancho Ex-Mission map
Portion of lot 30 of tract 1 of Rancho Ex-Mission.
[Notes: Area of Sanjon Barranca to Pacific Ave., and N of Old Conejo Rd; L - 3, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Ventura Eucalyptus Grove Co. Tract #1 Part of Sect. 25 of T4N - R19W map
Ventura Eucalyptus Grove Co. tract #1 part of sect. 25 of T4N - R19W
[Notes: Vicinity of Buckhorn, SW of Piru, Calif; J - 9, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Untitled Unidentified Location Showing Only an Unidentified Road and Stream map
Untitled, unidentified location, showing only an
unidentified road and stream.
[Notes: Reference map coordinates not identified]

Untitled Area Between Telegraph Rd. and Conejo Rd. map
Untitled, area between Telegraph Rd. and Conejo Rd.
[Notes: L - 4, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Derbyshire Tract in Santa Paula Calif. map
Map of Derbyshire Tract, City of Santa Paula, California
[Notes: Area between River St. and Mupu St. in the vicinity of 7th St. in Santa Paula, Calif; K - 6, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Mission Palm Subdivision map
Mission Palm subdivision
[Notes: Area of W Main St., Junipero St., Santa Clara St., and Colombo St. in Ventura, Calif; L - 3, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Gabbert Tract A Part of Subdivision #2 of the W 1/2 of Rancho San Miguel map
Gabbert Tract, a part of subdivision #2 of the W 1/2 of Rancho San Miguel
[Notes: L - 4, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Portion of Port Hueneme Showing B & V Railway and Laguna Hueneme map
Untitled, being a portion of Port Hueneme showing B & V Railway and Laguna Hueneme
[Notes: Parcel ownership noted; N - 4, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Survey of Laguna Rancho Made in Feb of 1866 map
Untitled Being a Survey of Laguna Rancho Made in Feb of 1866.
[Notes: Map probably an undated copy; Map includes notes from J. A. Barry dated 1913; N - 6, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Ventura County California Showing Land Grants Township &<br />
Range Lines Railroads map
Ventura County, California: Showing Land Grants, Township & Range Lines, Railroads.
[Notes: Reference map for Ventura County; Entire county shown, key geographic points noted]

Rancho Guadalasca Being The Northern Portion map<br />
Rancho Guadalasca being the northern portion.
[Notes: Property ownership noted; M - 6, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Rancho Guadalasca the N 1/3 Showing The Lewis Rancho map
Rancho Guadalasca, the N 1/3 showing the Lewis Rancho.
[Notes: C. 2 is a hand drawn copy of c. 1, some information omitted; Recorder's maps; c. 1 undated, c. 2, dated 1915; Property ownership noted; M - 6, Automobile Club of
Southern California,…

Rancho Calleguas Camarillo Bros Owners map
Rancho Calleguas, Camarillo Bros. (Adolfo & Juan) owners.
[Notes: Assessor's map; Originally cataloged as M43, c. 1; See also M0043B, (M43, c. 2) L, M - 6, 7, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Western One Half of Rancho San Miguel map<br />
Western one half of Rancho San Miguel
[Notes: Area S of Conejo Rd. to Santa Clara River; L - 4, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Oxnard area No. 4 map
Oxnard area No. 4 : showing the N addition to
[Notes: Area includes 1st Street to 8th Street and Saviers Rd. to E Street; M - 4, 5, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Untitled Being in Vicinity of Aliso, Canada, Lion and Signal Streets in Ojai map
Untitled : being in vicinity of Aliso, Cañada, Lion and Signal Streets in Ojai. 1902.
[Notes: Drawing #1, Aliso St., Cañada St. area; Drawing #2, Ventura St., Signal St., Montgomery St. area; H - 4, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of…

Subdivision #9 of Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o La Colonia map
Map of survey made April 22nd 1903 for Jacob Blaes in subdivision #9 of Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o La Colonia
[Notes: L - 5, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Ormond Beach tract #3 being part of Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o La Colonia map
Ormond Beach tract #3 being part of Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o La Colonia.
[Notes: Area between Hermosa Ave. and Ramona in SE Port Hueneme; N - 4, 5, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy Survey of The Wason Estate map
Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy, survey of the Wason Estate: part of lots 40 and 41
[Notes: Reference map coordinates not defined]

Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy Lot 11 map
Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy, Lot 11
[Notes: Reference map coordinates not defined; Similar to M566]

Changes in Foothill Road by Culp and Huntley Property map
Changes in Foothill Road by Culp and Huntley property
[Notes: K, L - 4, 5, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]

Orchard Farm Property of Hannah Mary Edwards map
Orchard Farm Property of Hannah Mary Edwards : part of Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy.
[Notes: Similar to M563; Reference map coordinates not defined]

Vineyard Avenue Widening In Road District No. 6 map
Vineyard Avenue widening in Road District No. 6 : petitioned by A. C. Vickers.
[Notes: L - 5, Automobile Club of Southern California, Map of Ventura County, ©2003]
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