Three men stand outdoors in front of a small wooden house or cabin at the Nick Walnut homestead. They are surrounded by wilderness. The man in center identified as Nick Walnut (Nicola Noce). Nick is holding two horses (one may be a mule) on either…
Survey map of Rancho Simi Tract G, located immediately north of Camarillo Road. A section of land in the northwest corner of the tract is delineated in red pencil. Shows portions of adjacent Tracts F and M. Survey points and data are indicated along…
Survey map of Rancho Simi Tract G, located immediately north of Camarillo Road. Shows portions of adjacent Tracts F and M. Survey points and data are indicated along the property lines as well as along Camarillo Road. Pipeline, well-site, dam, and…
Map of Lot D, Subdivision 94, Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia made at the request of J.W. Dodge. Also shown is a well site and pipeline along Walnut Drive. Adjacent Lots 8 and 10, designated as Ocean View Gardens, and Lot C are indicated.
Grey pencil map of proposed irrigation line prepared for Joseph Levy showing leveled area drainage ditch and pipe lines from Well No. 3 on Hitch Ranch in Moorpark. Map diagrams include illustrations of elevation of ditch drop, plan of ditch drop,…
Grey pencil survey map for Blalock Eddy Ranch Co. of Lots 59 and 60 on Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy in Ventura. Lots are surrounded by Kimball Road above and Telephone Road Below with other visible streets on map including Ocean View Street and…
Map for James Lenoard Investment Co. showing easements for irrigation lines in portions of Parcel's D & E on Rancho Calleguas. Map shows Calleguas Road split into two sections on top of one another with an arrow connecting the road at identical…
Coast & Geodetic survey data for the Leonard Ranch Investment Company of the elevation above sea level at Well number 13-U-9, located at .20 miles East of Lewis Road and 100 feet South of Calleguas Road. Data is for water level survey from years…
Coast & Geodetic survey data for the Leonard Ranch Investment Company of the elevation above sea level at Well number 13-U-28, located at .32 miles East of Lewis Road and 50 feet South of Calleguas Road. Data is for water level survey from years…
Black line survey map of a Portion of Lot 8, Rancho Ex-Mission San Buenaventura, Tract No. 2, located north of Lewis Road in Camarillo. Adjacent areas include the Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia and Rancho Ex-Mission San Buenaventura,…