Browse Items (20 total)

Bridge across Ventura River
View of concrete bridge across Ventura River from the riverbank. Groups of people are walking or standing along sections of the bridge. Dead plants an bushes appear along foreground of photo. Words written in ink along the bottom of photo read:…

Oxnard City Hall Postcard
Oxnard City Hall with the straight path leading up to it through a lawn and garden in the foreground. The water tower is in the background. A person walks on the path. There are palm trees in the distance and shadows of palm trees cast on the city…

The Foothills Hotel, Nordhoff, Ojai Valley, Calif. postcard
Landscape view of Foothills Hotel, Ojai. The three story Craftsman style building has a wood shingle exterior and a lushly landscaped campus. Flowering vines overhang the porches. Several horses wait outside the building at the head of its roundabout…

Maria Sanchez
Full portrait of Maria Sanchez (daughter of Lorenzo Sanchez) standing in a garden or yard, the bottom half of her body partially obscured by a large bush that looks like rosemary. She is turned slightly to her left, looking at the viewer.

Frank Dudley's House
View of Frank Dudley's house, which is a two-story home surrounded by trees and shrubs. The house has trailing vines across the roof. Museum records indicate that it was across the field from Ben Dudley's house (the historical landmark, Dudley…

Ruth and Perky in Joshua Tree National Park
Image of a woman identified as Ruth and her dog Perky in Joshua Tree National Park. In the foreground you can see Ruth standing on the flat desert ground surrounded by boulders. Perky is standing to the left of the image next to a dry shrub. Behind…

Motel in Twentynine Palms, California
View of a motel in an arid landscape in Twentynine Palms, California. The small pueblo-style buildings are placed side by side with an automobile parked outside of one of them. In the front of one of the buildings are two people, one standing the…

Ruth and Perky in a Desert Landscape
View of Ruth holding her dog Perky as the both of them stand facing a large cactus. Desert shrubs and bushes can be seen throughout the image, with denser vegetation in the background of the image. In the far background is a mountain on the right…

Ruth and Perky in a Desert Landscape
Image of Ruth and Perky standing at the top of a small slope in a desert landscape. Behind them are three palm trees. The slope they're standing on is a part of a dirt path. On both sides of the dirt path are densely packed shrubs forming a thicket.

Ruth and Perky in a Desert Landscape
Image of Ruth and her dog, Perky standing on a dirt path. Directly behind them is a thicket of desert shrubs, in the background palm trees can be seen in clear view. Ruth stares off into the left side of the image while perky stands by her side on a…

Trees in the Placita
View of trees and a hedge within a small plaza at Rancho Camulos. In the foreground is a small lawn, behind which a hedge expands beyond the left and right sides of the image. The hedge creates a perimeter around a small grove of trees. In the far…

Trees at Rancho Camulos
Image shows trees at Rancho Camulos. The trees are planted in a circular, horseshoe-like, shape with a hedge planted alongside them. There are potted plants and a fountain at the center. In the background to the left of the image is a building…

Cross on the North Hill
Image depicting a Christian cross sitting on top of a hill at Rancho Camulos.

Hill with Cross in the Distance
Picture of a hill outside of Rancho Camulos. A cross is faintly visible in the far distance at the top of the hill. The hill is covered in shrubs and other low vegetation.

Solitude Among Trees
Outdoor scene at Rancho Camulos showing a person sitting in a chair underneath the shade of the surrounding trees. The person appears blurred and features are difficult to discern.

Topanga Canyon Scenery
View of Topanga Canyon scenery with the caption "Topanga Canyon, Ca". Leaf-bare shrubs in the foreground of the image. The middle of the canyon can be seen stretching into the background of the image between two mountains. In the background to the…

Mrs. Daily Tending to Her Roses
Picture of a woman, likely Mrs. E. W. Daily, tending to her climbing roses outside of the E. W. Daily family home. The woman is on the right side of the image and slightly bends over her roses.

Two Women Outside of Home
Picture of two women, likely Mrs. E. W. Daily and her mother Mrs. Crowley, standing in front of a house. The women appear to be conversing with one another. The woman on the left is wearing a fur coat. The woman on the right is wearing a dress coat.…

Group Hike in the Mountains
Image depicts a large group of people hiking in a line along a mountain trail. Some of the people in the image appear to be children. The left of the image is taken up by the hillside that is covered in vegetation. In the background trees are along…

Woman in Garden
Photo of young woman in garden holding a closed umbrella.
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