Full portrait of Adrian G. Wood (Buddy Wood) outdoors. He has a pipe in his mouth and wears a bucket hat and bib overalls. He appears to be ready do put on a jacket, and he also has what appears to be a freshly caught fish in one hand. A car is in…
Grey pencil drawing of capacity of existing wood flume and 12" steel pipe from a small dam above proposed dam, El Rancho Cola. Shows pipeline from reservoir.
Pencil line map of the as-built Water Plan of Ventura Developers Tract No. 1, City of San Buenaventura. Shows water lines and connections to individual lots numbered 2 through 87 on Hilltop Drive, Grove Street and Foothill Road.
Pencil map showing the locations of water mains in Tract 50 and in Lot 5, Rancho Las Posas Estates Unit No. 3. Map shows Lots 4, 5, 6 and 12 on Valley Vista Road, as well as Lot 14 at the intersection of Valley Vista Road and Vista Del Mar Avenue. …
View of water flowing around rocks in Matilija Creek. Two women are sitting on the rocks and a man is standing on a rock in the middle of the stream. Two pipes are carried on supports along one side of the creek.
Engineering drawing of miscellaneous details of the street, sewer, and water connections in Five Points Park, City of San Buenaventura. Top half of the drawing shows illustrations of the Sewer-House Connection, cross sections of gutters on Channel…
View of the ocean with a pipe outlet to the ocean. A long black pipe curves up to the left of the frame with water exiting from the pipe into the ocean. A surfer holding a surfboard stands knee-deep in the waves.
Plan and profile of the sewer, street, and water connections of Five Points Park, City of San Buenaventura. Shows Frances Street and Channel Drive with water main illustrated on the street, with connections to the properties numbered 222-253. On grid…
Plan and Profile of the sewer, street, and water connections of Five Points Park, City of San Buenaventura. Shows Channel Drive, Frances Street, Eva Street, and South Brent Street with water main illustrated on the street, and connections to the…
Plan and Profile of the sewer, street, and water connections of Five Points Park, City of San Buenaventura. Shows Preble Avenue, Frances Street, Eva Street, and South Brent Street with water main illustrated on the street, and connections to the…
Plan and Profile of the sewer, street, and water connections of Five Points Park, City of San Buenaventura. Shows Porter Lane, Frances Street, Eva Street, and South Brent Street with water main illustrated on the street, and connections to the…
Plan and profile of the sewer, street, and water connections of Five Points Park, City of San Buenaventura. Shows Frances Street and Preble Avenue with water main illustrated on the street, and connections to the properties numbered 205-222 and…
Plan and profile of the sewer, street, and water connections of Five Points Park, City of San Buenaventura. Shows Frances Street, Ocean Avenue, and Porter Lane with water main illustrated on the street and connections to the properties numbered…
Plan and profile of the sewer, street, and water connections of Five Points Park, City of San Buenaventura. Shows Eva Street and Channel Drive with water main illustrated on the street, and connections to the properties numbered 138-168 and 60-65. On…
Plan and profile of the sewer, street, and water connections of Five Points Park, City of San Buenaventura. Shows Eva Street and Preble Avenue with water main illustrated on the street, and connections to the properties numbered 121-137 and 169-185.…
Plan and profile of the sewer, street, and water connections of Five Points Park, City of San Buenaventura. Shows Eva Street and Porter Lane with water main illustrated on the street, and connections to the properties numbered 4-8, 112-121 and…
Plan and profile of the sewer, street, and water connections of Five Points Park, City of San Buenaventura. Shows South Brent Street and Channel Drive with water main illustrated on the street, and connections to the properties numbered 39-60 and…
Plan and profile of the sewer, street, and water connections of Five Points Park, City of San Buenaventura. Shows South Brent Street and Preble Avenue with water main illustrated on the street, and connections to the properties numbered 22-39 and…
Plan and profile of the sewer, street, and water connections of Five Points Park, City of San Buenaventura. Shows South Brent Street and Porter Lane with water main illustrated on the street, and connections to the properties numbered 14-21 and…
Map of Senior Canyon Mutual Water Company right of way for pipeline, Ojai, Calif. Shows Dry or East Fork Senior Canyon, Spring Fork and Dry Fork, and a tunnel. Shows center of Section 21. T5N R22W. Sheet 1 of 8.