Browse Items (128 total)

Snow-covered Yosemite National Park.

Wooley Road City Yards and Farm Fields Landscape
Small snapshot of "City Yards Wooley Road looking S. East to Estate Property." Farm fields visible.

Wiley's Lake near Fillmore, California
Scene with Wiley's Lake in foreground and mountains in background.
[Newman Post Card Co., Los Angeles, Cal., made in Germany for Richard Stephens, Fillmore, Cal.]

Wildflowers at Camarillo Grove
[User contributed description]
Truly one of the best views of the city of Camarillo is at Camarillo Grove Park!

Wagon Loaded with Vegetables
Outdoor photo of two horse-pulled wagon fully loaded with vegetables. Men pickers visible standing behind fully loaded wagon. Oxnard fields.

View of The Oil Fields, Santa Paula postcard
Foreground of oil fields and has two roads visible. Mountains are shown in background with a tree line visible in front.

Caption: View of the Oil Fields. Santa Paula, California.

[Albertype Co., Brooklyn, N.Y. "Postcards of Quality" (Published…

View of a farm.

View from Top of Fillmore Grade
A view taken from the top of the Fillmore grade. Shows mountains, hillsides, and shrubland.

[User contributed description]
View of orchards taken while hiking Shelf Road on a cloudy day.

View from Mountains of Simi Valley, 1904
Birds eye view, writing on bottom center states: "A view from the mountains of Simi Valley. Showing Oak Grove & 2500 acres of grain." Four hunters are also present in the photo.

View along Rincon
View of a dirt road along the Rincon. Railroad tracks and utility poles visible. Coastline, ocean, and mountain range in background.

Ventura, California postcard
Aerial view of Ventura. Blue border on postcard surrounds photo. Bold, white font reads "Ventura, California" below photo. Ventura foothills and Topa Topa Mountains are visible in background. Snow is visible portions of the mountains. Neighborhoods…

Ventura, Aerial View, 1933
Aerial view of Ventura, looking west from over the railroad near Brent. Coastline prominent on left side of image, mountains at top of image.

Ventura River Valley Aerial View
View of Ventura looking south. Ventura city and oil fields visible. Hills line both sides of image, Pacific Ocean at top of image.

Ventura Pier Beach Scene
This image shows the beach from the point of view of the Ventura Pier looking inland. There are people on the beach and several cars parked in the background.

Ventura Marina postcard
Bird's-eye view of the Ventura Marina. The marina and beaches are in the foreground of the image. The City of Ventura is visible in the background.
[Plastichrome Colourpicture, Boston, Mass., 02130 (Woody Gillette, P.O. Box 318,Solvang, CA 93463),…

Ventura County Coastal Area Aerial Photo
Aerial photograph showing East Ventura including Pierpont and the intersection of Thompson Boulevard, Main Street, and Telegraph Road. A portion of the Pacific Ocean is visible in the left side of the photo. Mountain hills are to the east, and…

Ventura County (Ojai Valley Bike & Bridal Trail) postcard
Outdoor scene showing the Ojai Valley Bike and Bridal Trail. Foreground shows paved Ojai Bike Trail and Bridal trail beside a wooden fence and wire fence. Wide pasture behind fences. Topa Topa Mountains in background.

Verso: Brief description of…

Ventura Avenue Oil Field and Ventura Avenue
Panoramic view of the Ventura oil field from a mountain. Oil wells can be seen on the left.


Valley dirt road with woman, child, and mountain backdrop.

Two men in Devil's Canyon.

Trees in river canyon.

Traveling to Wheeler Hot Springs
View of an early automobile driving down an unpaved, mountain road towards Wheeler Hot Springs. Tunnel in left of view.

Three people in a mountain scene.

Three Men in Front of Small House
Three men stand outdoors in front of a small wooden house or cabin at the Nick Walnut homestead. They are surrounded by wilderness. The man in center identified as Nick Walnut (Nicola Noce). Nick is holding two horses (one may be a mule) on either…
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