Browse Items (83 total)

Masonic Temple Ground Breaking
Group photo of residents standing on land going to be used to build the Masonic Temple on Santa Clara and California Streets in Ventura. Photo is made up of two photos.

Inner Court, Rancho Camulos
A large group of men, women, and children pose for a group photo on steps and a porch, some sitting and some standing. Most of the women are wearing hats and long dresses and men are wearing suits. Bottom left of photo states "group on veranda."

J. C. Brewster and Friends and Family
Group photo of men and women and one young girl, all dressed formally.

Standing (l-r): James Allen Day; J.C. Brewster; Oscian Cook.
Seated (l-r): J. Smith Briggs; Sara Jane Day; Harriet Briggs; Mary Brewster; Rhoda Cook.
Front: Pansy Brewster

The Flower Queen Cantata, Group Photo
A group photo of young women dressed in white with flowers attached to their dresses. One man with a mustache and a cape is at the center of the picture. There is a piano at the bottom right of the frame. Library records indicate the young women are…

Ventura Masonic Lodge Group Photo
A group photo, five men dressed in suits and ties; three with a mustache, one with a beard, one clean shaven. Library records indicate these men were part of the Masonic Lodge in Ventura. Their names are Dick Haydock, D. J. Riese, P. W. Kaufman, Geo.…

Amateur Theatrical Group Photo
A group portrait of an Amateur Theatrical group, some of them in costume and posed as characters.

Library records indicate:
Hattie Boquist, Alice Day, Geo. S. Gilbert, Celia Perkins, Unknown, Prof. Meredith, Ed Sheridan, Belle Curry, Anna…

Old Time Hunting Party
A group of young men who are posed by a campsite for the photo. An animal is visible on the ground in front of the men. Three of the men are wearing ammunition belts around their waists. The campsite is surrounded by trees. A wagon and several horses…

Garden Scene, Berylwood
An outdoor garden scene showing the Bard family at their home in Hueneme, Berylwood. Left to right: Anne playing with dog, Berle seated, M. B. Bard knitting, Tom lying on ground, unidentified woman and girl behind Tom, baby Richard in buggy, and…

Joe Mendoza Leading March Protesting "English Only" Ordinance
Joe Mendoza carrying an American flag at the front of a march to protest the "English only" ordinance in Fillmore. Crowd of other protestors visible behind Mendoza, some carrying signs. Legible signs read "Respect all cultures," "Retract the…

Leading Venturans Wearing Flu Masks
Group photo of 15 prominent men and 1 boy standing in front of a building wearing flu masks over their faces during the flu epidemic of 1918. One man has his mask down and has a pipe in his mouth.

Persons are not specifically identified, but some…

Priest Blessing the Del Valle Family
View of a priest blessing women of the Del Valle family. There are numbers over each person in the image to help identify who they are. In ascending order: 1. Nina del Valle Cram, 2. Susanita del Valle, 3. Ysolbel del Valle Cram, 4. Natalia "Nachita"…

Group Photo at Rancho Camulos
Image shows a group of seven people posing for a picture on a bench at Rancho Camulos. There are five people with numbers over their heads for identification purposes. From left to right there is Enedina del Valle, Susanita del Valle, Charles Lummis,…

Group Photo in Garden
Image depicts a group of four people, three women and one man, sitting in a garden. Each person in the photo has a number over them to help identify the person. From left to right, Nena del Valle Cram, Ysobel del Valle Cram, Charles Lummis, and…

Barbeque in Progress
View of a group of men surrounded by trees. In the background there are people gathered around a table for a barbeque. Surrounding the people is a multitude of trees, likely walnut trees. In the background is a small picket fence.

Trees and Entryway to Rancho Camulos
Outdoor scene of a dirt field with multiple trees. In the foreground the branch of a tree hangs low in front of the camera. In the background a group of four people are leaning along a picket fence.

Camarillo Family at Camarillo Railroad Depot Gathering
Photo of group gathering at the Southern Pacific Railroad Depot in Camarillo. Band also on depot and playing. Camarillo family, including Adolfo Camarillo, present in foreground.

Note: Museum records indicate that this is likely the opening of…

Camarillo Family at Camarillo Railroad Depot Gathering
Photo similar to 34447. Setting is at the then new Camarillo Southern Pacific Railroad Depot. Front grouping of dignitaries is turned away from camera. Band is playing.

Note: Museum records indicate date is either August 18 or December 15.

Chautauqua Building Ventura Beach
Exterior view of Chautauqua building at Ventura Beach. A group of people and several automobiles can be seen in front of the building. This is the front west of Pierpont Bay.

Dedication of Montalvo Bridge
Ceremony for the dedication of the Montalvo Bridge across the Santa Clara River. Crowds of people and what appear to be horses and carriages are gathered around.

Fourth Annual Older Girls Conference of Southern California
Group photograph of young women holding signs taken outside the bath house at foot of Calif. St for the occasion of the Fourth Annual Older Girls Conference of Southern California. The conference dates were April 29-20th, 1939.
Museum records…

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Encampment
Group photo of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Encampment held in a plaza in Ventura. Men and women are standing in a large group. A young boy is in the bottom-center of the image facing the viewer with his hands on his hips. There appear to be…

Mrs. H.R. McDonell
A child, woman, and two men standing in a unpaved road. Fence, trees and buildings behind them. Horse and cart on left.

Museum records include note: Mrs. H.R. McDonell - ex-city treasurer - in office for 30 years.

Group from French Resturant on La Cienega in Beverly Hills going out on the Starlite for a day of fishing around the island. Floyd Hynn operated the Blue Fin on all day charters. Butch Wilson operated the Falcon, also a charter boat.

Filming at Point Mugu
Lagoon at Pt. Mugu, three men standing in foreground facing another group of men around a cannon. Filming of "The Real Glory."

Ventura Pier Scene
Scene shows groups of men, women and children walking or standing on the Ventura Pier.
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