Photograph captioned "Fire House, Ventura, Cal." Two people stand at the entrance of the fire house, as someone rides toward the entrance on a horse. Mountains are visible in the background. There are houses and buildings on both sides of the fire…
Street view of Venture Fire Department. A rectangular, two story adobe building sits on the corner of the street, with its entrance to the left. Spanish tile awnings hang over the windows on the second floor, squares turret on each corner, and a…
Individual bust portraits of the members of the Ventura Fire Department, 1900. Printed on the image is "Presented by J.H. Scotford, 6 March 1900."
Left to Right, Top to Bottom:
Newby, Ed; Delagere, A.; Briggs, A.D.; Day, M.E.; Bean, John;…
Group of men, possibly firefighters, examining rubble and debris following the Ojai Fire in 1917. Two men are holding a fire hose. Clouds of smoke obscure the background.
Man lying on a blanket on asphalt. Two firefighters kneel next to him, performing CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation). Firefighter on left holding oxygen mask to man's face. Firefighter on right performing chest compressions. Medical kits on ground…
Portrait of a firefighter sitting on the ground, massaging his right foot. His boot is on the ground next to him. He is holding his sock in his right hand. His face appears to be smudged with dirt or ash.
View of three Forest Service workers using shovels to clear an unpaved road in Gridley Canyon during the 1948 Wheeler Springs fire. Debris and flames can be seen to the left of the road.
Bird's-eye view of the Ventura Pier and outlying buildings in flames. Thick smoke obscures most of the structures. Firefighters on the beach spray water upwards at the fire. Crowd of onlookers in foreground. Photograph originally published in the…
Airplane crash at Abex plant on West 5th St. in Oxnard. Shows firefighters around wreckage of small civilian aircraft on top of a damaged car. The left wing and tail of the aircraft are the only discernible components. An additional car and a…
View of firefighters filling the water tanks of a fire response helicopter. Seven firefighters wearing yellow jackets holding two hoses. Taken on what appears to be a paved airfield. Ground in foreground is wet.
View of a helicopter making a water drop on a fire. Flames of fire visible along ground, with smoke filling air around helicopter. Person in silhouette visible running from fire.
Scene showing a helicopter flying towards a fire burning through Bear and Stewart Canyons. Flames visible on hillside with large smoke clouds filling the air. Helicopter pilot scouting the fire. Equipment and men working the fire line in Stewart…
Outdoor view showing Eugene Putnam, Camarillo's first fire captain standing next to a fire truck outside of the Camarillo firehouse. Johnny Moore stands in background.
Group portrait of five workers at the Camarillo Fire Department. The five men appear to be seated and are arranged in two rows. They are identified as Alvin Ward, Tom Hernandez, Clifford Fulton, A. W. "Babe" Pitts, and William H. Maxwell.
Outdoor scene showing Camarillo Fire Captain Eugene Putnam with a group of children visiting the firehouse. Putnam is leaning against the front of a firetruck. The children are seated alongside the firetruck and on its foot step.