Browse Items (201 total)
- Tags: Cars
E.W. Daily at Ford Coupe
Note: Museum Records indicate that Dingeman's Dealership was located on Saviers Road & 3rd Street, in Oxnard.
Tags: Businesses, Cars, Men, Storefronts
Tunnel Near Wheeler Hot Springs
Tags: Cars, Cliffs, Dirt Roads
Entrance to Wheelers Hot Springs
Tags: Cars, Horses, Hot Springs, Resorts
Main Street Scene, Ventura
Tags: Businesses, Cars, Downtown Ventura, Signs, Stores
Cal Worthington Dodge Agency
Tags: Businesses, Cars, Downtown Ventura, Storefronts, Stores, The Avenue
Bolyard & Son Studebaker/Jeep Agency
Tags: Cars, Signage, Signs, Storefronts, Stores
Watson's Furniture Storefront
Tags: Businesses, Cars, Signage, Signs, Stores
John Taft Electric Storefront
Tags: Businesses, Cars, Signage, Signs, Stores
Northside of Main Street, Between California and Oak Streets
Tags: Buildings, Businesses, Cars, Downtown Ventura, Storefronts
Ventura County Courthouse Parking Lot
Tags: Buildings, Cars, Courthouses
Glen Tavern, Santa Paula, California
Verso: Message to Ruth Ruiz of Ventura concerning the sender's…
Tags: Architecture, Buildings, Cars, Hotels, Letters
Glen Tavern, Santa Paula, Calif.
[Neuner Corporation, Los…
Tags: Architecture, Buildings, Cars, Hotels
Weatherly Motor Company Used Car Lot
Tags: Businesses, Cars, Parking Lots
Weatherly Motor Company
Tags: Businesses, Cars, Downtown Ventura, Storefronts
Weatherly Motor Company
Tags: Businesses, Cars, Downtown Ventura, Storefronts
DeLee Staunton Childhood Scenes, Four Photos
Photo A: Group photo. Left to right, Mary Hanrahan - grandmother, J. C. Hanrahan - grandfather, Ann Hanrahan - aunt, Margarite "Peggy" Staunton - mother, and DeLee Staunton.
Photo B: Outdoor…
Tags: Cars, Family Photographs, Group Photos, Recreation, Tents, Toys
A.B.P.G. Picnic, Camp Comfort
Tags: Cars, Celebrations, Crowds, Groups of People
Ventura Avenue in the Rain
Tags: Cars, Street Views, Streets, The Avenue
Ventura Avenue in the Rain
Tags: Cars, Street Views, Streets, The Avenue
Marcella Anderson in 1901 Cadillac
Tags: Cars, Storefronts, The Avenue, Young Women