Outdoor scene showing a man wearing work clothes, thick gloves, and a wide-brimmed hat holding a snake. The man smiles slightly over his shoulder towards the viewer. The snake appears to be moving or stretching to the left of the view. Unpaved trail…
View of a rattlesnake hiding beneath a stone and branches. The branches and stone fill the majority of the view. Portion of snake, including its head are visible in the rock's shadow.
View of a garden path. Shows a striped snake swallowing a smaller snake. Only a portion of the smaller snake is visible. Succulent and shrubs in nearby garden beds.
Library records include note that identifies snake as a coral snake, but pattern…
Closeup picture showing Dana Dougherty as a young girl holding a snake, possibly a garter snake. Dougherty is looking down, to the left of the view. The snake is stretching upwards so that the tip of its nose touches Dougherty's chin. Dougherty wears…