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- Tags: Norfolk Pines
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West Side of Mission San Buenaventura
West side of Mission San Buenaventura looking northeast from across Main Street; Norfolk pines are about 30 feet high.
Tags: Landmarks, Norfolk Pines
West Side of Mission San Buenaventura
West side of Mission San Buenaventura looking northeast from across Main Street; Norfolk pines are about 30 feet high.
Tags: Landmarks, Norfolk Pines
West Side of Mission San Buenaventura
West side of Mission San Buenaventura looking northeast from across Main Street; Norfolk pines are about 30 feet tall.
Theodosia B. Shepherd's Gardens
View from above of Theodosia Burr Shepherd's gardens. Houses in the background, as well as a large hotel, possibly the Rose Hotel.
Tags: Downtown Ventura, Norfolk Pines
San Buenaventura Mission, Ventura
View of the Mission San Buenaventura Mission's front entrance and bell tower; A small yard sits to the left of the mission, and a hill behind it. [MacGregor, J. J., Ventura, Cal. (Albertype Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.)] Post card image appears in C.M. Gidney…
Tags: Hills, Norfolk Pines
Public Library, Ventura, Calif.
Landscape image of the Ventura Public Library, a stately brick and stone building with abundant windows. It is decorated with sparse Neoclassical features, with Doric columns framing the dual stairwell…
Landscape image of the Ventura Public Library, a stately brick and stone building with abundant windows. It is decorated with sparse Neoclassical features, with Doric columns framing the dual stairwell…
Plaza-Ventura, Cal.
Caption: "Plaza. Ventura, Cal."
Landscape view of a city park. A wide paved walkway is in the center, leading to a residential area of the city. Manicured lawns and several trees line each side.
[MacGregor Bros.,Ventura, Cal. (Albertype…
Landscape view of a city park. A wide paved walkway is in the center, leading to a residential area of the city. Manicured lawns and several trees line each side.
[MacGregor Bros.,Ventura, Cal. (Albertype…
Tags: Norfolk Pines, Palm Trees, Trees
Mission San Buenaventura, Ventura
Caption: "Mission San Buenaventura, Founded 1784. Ventura, Cal." Colorized photographic image. Streetview of Mission San Buenaventura and its bell tower on the left, a two-story wood paneled building in the center, and the corner of a one story…
Tags: Bell Towers, Buggies, Norfolk Pines, Street Views
Mission San Buenaventura
Mission San Buenaventura looking northeast showing Norfolk pine tees to be about 20 feet tall.
Tags: Bell Towers, Norfolk Pines
Main St. East, Ventura, Cal.
Caption: "Main St. East - Ventura Cal."
Street view of Main Street, from the middle of the middle of the street. Mission San Buenaventura and its bell tower are in the foreground on the left. Businesses line the right side of the street, with an…
Street view of Main Street, from the middle of the middle of the street. Mission San Buenaventura and its bell tower are in the foreground on the left. Businesses line the right side of the street, with an…
First Presbyterian Church, Ventura, Cal.
Exterior, corner view of First Presbyterian Church, Ventura, with a horse and carriage parked on the street in front of the building. The corner of the building is dominated by a large bell tower. Large Norfolk pine in the background, medium height…
First Methodist Episcopal Church
Front exterior view of First Methodist Episcopal Church. Arched gothic stained glass windows. Bell tower. A man is standing near an entrance to the building. A tall Norfolk pine tree frames the photo on the left side. Picket fence in the foreground.…
City Park Ventura, Cal.
Caption: "City Park. VENTURA, Cal."
Landscape view of a city park. A wide paved walkway is in the center, with manicured lawns on either side, leading to a residential area of the city with clapboard houses. Benches sit along sidewalks off this…
Landscape view of a city park. A wide paved walkway is in the center, with manicured lawns on either side, leading to a residential area of the city with clapboard houses. Benches sit along sidewalks off this…
Tags: Norfolk Pines, Trees
Camarillo House, Camarillo, Cal.
Front view of Don Adolfo's home, a multi story Victorian style clapboard house. The largest part of the house is two stories, but there is attic turret in the middle of the roof, and a large turret on the right that is three stories. The house is…
Tags: Norfolk Pines, Trees, Victorian Architecture
A View On Oak Street, Ventura, Cal.
A view of Oak Street. Several Victorian style homes lined with pine and palm trees sit on the left side of the asphalt road, facing businesses with simpler architecture and telephone poles. A figure in a dress stands outside the telegram office on…
A Scene From The Wharf-Ventura, Cal.
View of the coastline from the wharf. Small waves lap the beach in the foreground. Several houses sit just behind the sand, framed by a variety of trees. A mountain is in the distance.
Tags: Coastline, Harbors, Houses, Norfolk Pines