Six employees at Limoneira Ranch in Santa Paula wash lemons in a warehouse building. Crates of lemons and a bin and machinery for washing lemons are visible.
[Woodís Inc., published for Edwin Virden, Santa Paula, Cal., 140]
View of the boiler room at the Oxnard Sugar Factory. Caption bottom left of postcard reads: "Boiler Room, Oxnard Sugar Factory, Cal."
[Newman Post Card Co., Los Angeles, made in Germany]
Interior view of the American Beet Sugar Company labeled "Evaporator", a large room with a walkway or platform and stairs between large pieces of equipment.
[Virden, Ben S., Oxnard, Cal.]
A view of the boiler room at the American Beet Sugar Company factory in Oxnard. Five men dressed in work clothes stand next to a table in the center of the room, looking towards the viewer. They are surrounded by large pieces of equipment and…
An equipment room at the Oxnard sugar beet factory containing carbonation tanks, diffusion battery and filter presses. A worker is overseeing some of the tanks.