Four unidentified men pose in an unidentified saloon. Antlers and animal pelts are used as furniture and wall décor. Man on the right is next to a bear head and pelt.
Six men pose on a large boulder with rifles and flags. The men hold their hats in hand. They are part of the Sisquoc Rangers, a hunting group. One flag reads "Sisquoc Rangers" and another flag is a US flag.
Group photo of four unidentified male hunters. There are deer antler racks and guns in front of them in the foreground. A house is in the background. Photo is mounted.
Reginaldo Ruiz, left, and John Dalton on horseback while deer hunting. A mule with a dead deer on its back is between them. Dalton is carrying a rifle.
Library records state: "Sisquoc Rangers - The Hunting Club of the Nineties (1890's)." Photo is of four men sitting on the ground, with a deer hung from tree limb.
(Flask, Powder) English-made, brass powder flasks with embossed hunting scene.
From Gerry Browning’s Docent Textbook: “The black powder of the "Old West" was a very explosive mixture of saltpeter, charcoal and sulfur. People dampened the mixture…
A group of young men who are posed by a campsite for the photo. An animal is visible on the ground in front of the men. Three of the men are wearing ammunition belts around their waists. The campsite is surrounded by trees. A wagon and several horses…