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The Ventura Pier postcard
Sepia photograph of man driving a small horse-drawn cart in surf. One dark horse is pulling wagon. Text on side of cart reads "S. Cohn / Ventura Cash Store Groceries / Orders Taken." Pier is visible in the background. One ship at the pier with…

Adolfo Camarillo Riding Horse-drawn Cart
Outdoor scene showing Adolfo Camarillo sitting in a small horse-drawn cart. Spotted pony or small horse is pulling the cart. House visible in background.

Wright's Harness Shop and Duval's Drygoods, Saticoy
Early street view of Saticoy storefronts. W. D. Wright's Harness Shop is on the left. Eugene Duval's Drygoods Store on the right. Three men stand on porch of store, second from right. A man with bicycle stands in front of same store. Two horse-drawn…

Man on Horse Pulled Carriage
Faded brown toned photo of unidentified man, likely E. W. Daily, in cart pulled by two white horses.

Museum records include text, "Who cares if gasoline goes up to 50cents?"

Mrs. H.R. McDonell
A child, woman, and two men standing in a unpaved road. Fence, trees and buildings behind them. Horse and cart on left.

Museum records include note: Mrs. H.R. McDonell - ex-city treasurer - in office for 30 years.

Scene on Ventura Beach, Ventura Co., Cal. 1905 postcard
Outdoor scene of Ventura Beach. A group of people on beach, most are sitting on the sand by the shore. One person has an umbrella over themselves. A man driving a horse-drawn cart on left. Waves are crashing in the ocean. Ventura Pier is visible with…
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