Bird's eye view of Maricopa Highway, highway 33, in Ojai.
[Albertype Co., Brooklyn, N.Y., The Finest American Made View Post Cards; Boardman's Rexall Drug Store, Ojai, California]
Survey of a portion of Lot 3 of the Broome Estate Ranch in Rancho Guadalasca. Made for the American Sugar Beet Company and Thornhill Broome. Shows a portion of the California State Highway and the grant line of Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la…
Map showing Survey of Lot 1, Ocean View Gardens, being part of Lots J, K and L of Subdivision 72, Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia. Shows a portion of State Highway, the Ventura County Railway, and Etting Road.
Map showing survey of a portion of subdivision 19, Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia, Ventura, Calif. Made at the request of Eugene H. Agee. Shows a portion of State Highway, Gonzales Road, and the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way.
Map showing Survey of a portion of Section 10 Rancho El Conejo made at the request of Robert L. McKee for owners - Good Hope Corporation. T1N R19W as per map entitled "Map of Partition Survey of Rancho El Conejo, Ventura County, California." Shows…
Map showing survey of a portion of the south half of section 7, T1N R19W, Rancho El Conejo. Made at the request of Mr. Ray Martinet, Owner. Shows a portion of Ventu Park Road and a portion of Ventura Blvd (State Highway).
Map of Survey of a portion of Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy, City of Santa Paula. Made for J. D. Culbertson. Shows portions of the Dresslar Subdivision, Fern Oaks Subdivision, Reddick Tract, Say Road, Ojai Road (State Route 150), Holly Road, and lands…
Map showing survey of Lots 21 and 24, Rancho Santa Clara del Norte. Made at the request of Ernest R. Nichols et. al., owners. Shows portions of La Loma Avenue, Central Avenue, Los Angeles Avenue (California Highway 118), and Walnut Avenue.
Map showing survey of a portion of Tract 37, Rancho Ojai. Made of Mabel A. Boughey. Also shows a portion of Lot 3 Section 16 T4N R21W, and Santa Paula-Ojai Road (California Highway 150).
Aerial photograph of the city of Camarillo, California. 101 Highway is visible going southbound through Camarillo. Foreground shows fields and orchards. Left side shows parts of Somis. Santa Susana Mountains and parts of Santa Rosa Valley visible…
Map of Survey showing partition of the J. C. Hartman Estate owner of record, being the east half of the west quarter of the southeast quarter and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 26, and Lot 2 of Section 35, T2N R21W.…
Brown line Survey of Five Points Park in the City of San Buenaventura. Shows Frances Street, Eva Street, South Brent Street, Porter Lane, as well as Thompson Boulevard, Telegraph Road, Main Street and a portion of the State Highway. Various numbered…
Caption text: "345: 'Dragon Rock,' on Santa Monica to Oxnard Blvd., Roosevelt Highway, Calif."
A curved highway wraps around the base of a hill, just above a beach and a rock formation. A vehicle drives along the road in the distance, the ocean in…
Parcel Map of the unincorporated territory of the County of Ventura, being a division of a portion of Pinkerton Rancho, being a portion of Tracts 32 and 34, Bard Subdivision, Rancho Ojai. Area of interest is divided into four numbered parcels and is…
Map showing survey of 10.7564 acre parcel, part of Lot 24 of Robinson Fawcett and Dean Subdivision, part of Tract A, Rancho Santa Ana. Made for John Dunshee. Shows part of Casitas Pass Road. Shows land belonging to W. S. Dunshee and Edith H. Hoffman…
Map showing survey of Lot 21 and part of Lot 22, Rancho Las Posas. Made for Charles G. Aggen. Shows portions of Aggen Road and Los Angeles Avenue (Highway 118), and lands belonging to Charles G. Aggen, May Clara Aggen Reed, Fredric M. Aggen, T. B. De…
A winding paved road going down a mountain, part of which has been cut away to accomodate it. Below it is a sprawling green valley with one large hill near the bottom of the road that stretches all the way towards a range of purple mountains in the…
Map of portion of Lot 5 on Rancho Calleguas, showing the Adolfo Camarillo Ranch House. Map portion is divided into Parcels A and B. Parcel A is on left side of lot and includes some flora while Parcel A is to the right and contains flora as well as…
Grey pencil map depicting part of Highway 126 in an undisclosed location. Includes highway details such as paved shoulder and white lines. A lemon grove is shown above the highway, an orange grove to the bottom left, and a walnut grove to the bottom…
Grey pencil survey map of intersection of Route 126 (Highway 126) and Sespe Avenue in Fillmore. Highlighted along Route 126 are eucalyptus trees, sycamore trees, bushes, a stop sign, telegraph poles, and the edges of paved shoulders. The S.P.R.R.…
Grey pencil map of portion of Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia for owner, Nardie Curci. Map indicates Saviers Road (now N. Oxnard Boulevard), S.P.R.R. (Southern Pacific Railroad), and Vineyard Avenue are located to the left of the property.…
Map of Ventura Avenue area located near Downtown Ventura, with a red line highlighting Ventura Avenue. Visible streets include Fix Way, Garden Street, Main Street, Santa Clara Avenue, Junipero Street, Thompson Boulevard, and Figueroa Street and the…
Map of portion of Highway 101 map at unnamed location. Below Highway 101 First and Second Acquisitions are seen, as well as easement for pipeline purposes. Lots 3, 4, and 4 1/2 are also visible below Highway 101 and Lot 4 contains orange orchards.
Survey of a parcel of land of Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy at intersection of Telephone Road, and Highway 101, City of San Buenaventura. Made for the Texas Company. Area of interest outlined in bold and shown north of Highway 101 and south of…