View of the Japanese Cemetery in Oxnard, looking east. Gravestones and posts fill the view. Brush and weeds have overgrown many of the grave markers. White posts were used to mark the older graves, and many of the names have been worn away. A blue…
View of the Japanese Cemetery in Oxnard, bordered on left by Pleasant Valley Road, and on right by Etting Road. Fence surrounding cemetery in foreground. Shows gravestones and posts marking grave sites. Grounds are overgrown with foliage. Building…
Photograph of the tombstone of Olive Mann Isbell in the Santa Paula Cemetery. The inscription on the tombstone reads "Olive Mann Isbell, 1824-1899, The first American school teacher in California. Taught in 1846 at The Old Mission, Santa Clara.…
View of a West Way passenger bus passing outside of the gates of the Japanese Cemetery. View is taken from inside the cemetery. Headstones are visible in the foreground. Passengers are visible in the bus.