Map showing grading details for a portion of Hilltop Drive in the vicinity of intersection with Foothill Road. The location of a 16 inch gas line as well as a 24 inch storm drain is shown. Elevations shown in lower portion of sheet. Revisions…
Group photograph of the Pacific Gasoline Company's Ventura plant. Their main office was in Los Angeles (700 Calif. Bank Bldg. Los Angeles, Cal.). Men are in front of some pipes out in a field near some buildings and equipment behind a sign.
Map showing Lots 2 through 87 on Hilltop Drive, Grove Street and Foothill Road in Ventura Developers Tract No. 1, being a part of Subdivision R of Rancho Ex-Mission Tract No. 1 and part of Eells Tract of Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy. Also shown are…