Browse Items (68 total)

View of a parade on Main Street between California and Oak Streets.
View of a parade on Main Street between California and Oak Streets.

Citizens in Piru celebrating 4th of July circa 1910
Ventura County Co-operative Association in Piru with citizens of Piru celebrating 4th of July 1910? Some are holding United States flags and one person is on horseback. Mountains in background.

Ventura Court House employees
Ventura Court House employees dressed up for "Ventura's Golden Day" celebration or the "Stampede." Verso of photo reads May 27, 1933 - (Saturday morning). Courthouse is in background.

Main Street, 4th of July, Ventura
Main Street, Ventura, 4th of July-three cars with flags, a group of men and a dog are pictured in the street in front of some buildings.

American Legion anniversary celebration
Group portrait of the 15th anniversary celebration of Ventura Post 339 of the American Legion. Several men are seated and standing, and in the foreground are a boy and a girl sitting on chairs with a cake on a table in between them. White writing on…

Main Street, Ventura parade
Main St. Ventura looking west; Hotel De Leon is on the right. Groups of people on both sides of the street, automobiles are on the street also. It looks like a parade is coming as people are on the sidewalks looking west and there is U.S. flag…

Plaza School street scene.

Gathering at Southern Pacific Railroad Depot
Gathering at Southern Pacific Railroad Depot in Ventura to greet Senator Bard.

New York Giants Visit Oxnard
Bird's eye view looking south on A Street in Oxnard at a parade scene when the New York Giants came to town, circa 1911. The players appear to be walking in front of and alongside a decorated horse-drawn carriage. The carriage is followed by two more…

1945 Fair Parade
Carmen Camarillo's sisters and nieces dressed in yellow costume and riding Camarillo White Horses in the 1945 Ventura County Fair Parade.

Carmen Camarillo on Horseback
Carmen Camarillo Jones riding a Camarillo white horse during a parade.

Carmen Camarillo Riding Duke
Carmen Camarillo riding a Camarillo White Horse called "Duke," at the Santa Barbara Fiesta Parade.

Nighttime photograph of four men, one with blow horn, another with lamp standing as they await a fifth man turn on the street lights. A sign states Happy New Year. [A and R in Year are hidden]. "Street Lights Go On." Year unknown. Possibly late 40's,…

Camarillo White Horses In Formation (A)
Overhead view of four women riding Camarillo White Horses in parade formation. Second image is mirror of the first.

Camarillo White Horses on Parade
Camarillo White Horses and riders in the County Fair Parade on Main Street. Parade watchers are visible in the foreground.

This view of the parade is in front of the Darden and Randall Buick Agency (52 E. Main Street).

First Century Families, Nineteenth Annual Luncheon, 1957
Panoramic view of the attendees gathered and seated at banquet tables for the Nineteenth Annual Luncheon, First Century Families at the Hotel Statler - Los Angeles, Calif. Some people identified: Charles Temple, Arvella Temple, Gabriela Temple, Fred…

Celebrating the Completion of a New Telephone Building in Ventura
A crowd of men, women and children gather in a new telephone building to celebration its completion. Building on the corner of Fir and Santa Clara Streets in Ventura. One man sits at a desk with a telephone in hand as if speaking on the phone.

Reverend and Mrs. Kusaburo
The image shows Reverend and Mrs. Kusaburo Baba on the occasion of his 77th birthday. The couple is standing together as they pose outside a white building, probably the Japanese Methodist Church in Oxnard. Mrs. Baba holds a cluster of flowing…

Reverend Serisei's Birthday Celebration
This snapshot shows Reverend Baba Serisei and his wife seated together at a birthday banquet in honor of the Reverend's birthday. Reverend Baba was a minister at the Japanese Methodist Church.

Wataru and Shizue Tagami Wedding
This image is a group portrait of the attendees at the wedding of Wataru and Shizue Tagami. The portrait is taken inside the Buddhist Church of Oxnard. Attendees and wedding party sit or stand around the bride and groom who are in the center. Girl on…

Dojo Sukui Dancers
This photo shows young dancers performing a dojo-sukui folk dance at the Buddhist Church of Oxnard. Miyoko Takeda is at left and Hiroshi Takeda is second from the left.

Obon Festival Committee and Dancers
This image is a group portrait of the 1934 Obon Festival Committee and festival dancers posing inside the First Buddhist Church.
Back row (l-r): M. Takeda, Mrs. Suzuki, Mrs. M. Moriwaki, Fujie Hashimoto, George Yamashita, M. Kanda, J. Kanamori, M.…

Buddhist Church of Oxnard Parade Float
This is an image of Buddhist Church of Oxnard members posing in front of a decorative parade float. The children wear Japanese clothing.
(l-r): Miyoko Takeda, Hideko Mikuriya, Ayako Tagami, Kimi Hashimoto, Mitzie Kanamori, Chiyeko Mikuriya, Masako…

First Confirmation Service, Buddhist Church of Oxnard
This image shows the participants of the first confirmation service at the Buddhist Church of Oxnard posing for a group photo in front of the Church building. This confirmation service was conducted by His Eminence the Renshi Shojo Ohtani of Hompa…

Inadomi Sisters at May Day Parade
This image shows Iris and Kiyo Inadomi posing for a picture with a doll in a decorated stroller. They are dressed up in celebration of Oxnard's May Day Parade.
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