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Interior of the Magnolia Saloon
Interior view of two men behind the bar at Magnolia Saloon, in the Spear Building at the corner of Main and Palm streets in Ventura. The Spear Building is now the Hickey building. Run by Middleworth, behind the bar with Judge Bowling.
Tags: Bars, Cash Registers, Men, Saloons, Ventura
The Sportsman Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge "Ventura's Finest"
Interior view--two images on top and bottom of postcard-- of the Sportsman Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge in Ventura. Top image shows the dining room and the bottom image show the bar area.
[Donovan Studios of North America, R.M. Von Kensel, P.O.…
[Donovan Studios of North America, R.M. Von Kensel, P.O.…
Tags: Bars, Restaurants
Colonial House Restaurant Interior
Interior view--two images on top and bottom of postcard-- of the Colonial House, Pacific Coast Highway, Oxnard, California. The top image shows a dining room with a fireplace on the right side and a small bar to the left. Bottom image shows a large…
Tags: Bars, Restaurants
The Sportsman Restaurant & Cocktail Lounge
Interior view of The Sportsman Restaurant & Cocktail Lounge while empty. Image shows a side by side view of the bar to the right of the image and the dining room to the left of the image.
[McGrew Color Graphics, Kansas City, MO 64108, photo by…
[McGrew Color Graphics, Kansas City, MO 64108, photo by…
Tags: Bars, Booths, Restaurants
Ysoardy Building
View of a long one-story building, with group of people standing on the porch for a group picture. Library records indicate, "Bakery and Saloon of Ysoardy where now stands Palace Hotel across from mission." Main Street visible in the foreground.…
Tags: Bars, Buildings, Dirt Roads, Downtown Ventura, Groups of People, Liquor, Main Street, Saloons
Saloon Scene
A group of seven men stand by the bar in an unidentified saloon or bar. The bartender is visible, wearing white. Card room door visible in back. There is a framed painting and a large, dark stain on the ceiling. Library records indicate that the…
Tags: Bars, Groups of People, Liquor, Saloons
Mathie Brewing Company Wagon
Street scene in Hueneme. Man wearing a work apron sitting on a horse-drawn buckboard wagon. Writing on buckboard reads, "1834-1856 E. Main St. The Mathie Brewing Company" Behind man is the Oxnard Winery and Distillery and a saloon. A spotted dog is…
Golden Gate Saloon Exterior
Exterior of the Golden Gate Saloon on Main Street west of Oak Street, owned by Lagomarsino and Varoy. A group of five men stand by the entrance of the saloon, one man wearing a long apron around is waist and one wearing work overalls, others wearing…
Tags: Bars, Downtown Ventura, Groups of People, Liquor, Main Street, Men, Saloons