Browse Items (14 total)

Oak Street, Ventura, 1887
Looking down Oak St. in Ventura. There are horse drawn carriages in the street and people are visible standing and walking. Bank of Ventura is on the right hand side and a brick building is on the left, possibly Revere House. Many business signs are…

Union National Bank of Ventura
Exterior, frontal view of Union National Bank of Ventura at 507 E. Main Street. Building is block-shaped with molded stone façade.

Bank of A. Levy
Exterior view of Bank of A. Levy from across the street. People and cars are visible.

First National Bank, Oxnard
First National Bank in Oxnard on 5th and A Streets. Two story building with rows of windows on the side. Four large pillars adorning the front entrance. Four cars parked on the side of the building, three cars parked along the front entrance. A man…

First National Bank, Oxnard Looking Towards A Street
Looking southwest on 5th and A Streets. On left of image First National Bank entrance visible and shops lining the street. Cars parked in front of shops. Woman with stroller crossing the street. Men walking along street by bank entrance.

Bank of A. Levy under Construction, Oxnard
Exterior view of Bank of A. Levy under construction on 5th and A streets. Image shows the front entrance and the left side of the building. Near the sidewalk on the left side of the bank are piles of debris with two men standing. There is a ladder on…

Bank of A. Levy Sideview from A Street, Oxnard
A Street in Oxnard looking south with 5th Street intersection visible. To the left of the image is the Bank of A. Levy. Building on the opposite corner to the bank is the Colonia Realty Company. 1930s style cars parked on the curb along A street.…

Main St. postcard
View looking down Main Street. The street is not paved and there are horses pulling wagons on the street. There are buildings on either side of the street. Caption at top reads: "Main St., Santa Paula, Cal."
[Newman Postcard Co., Los Angeles, made…

Street Scene, Ventura, Cal. postcard
A view looking west on Main Street from the intersection with California Street. City Hall is on the northwest corner and a bank building is on the southwest corner. Pedestrians and horse buggies are visible in the street. The streets are unpaved.…

Ventura Savings Bank interior.

First National Bank, Santa Paula
Exterior view of First National Bank in Santa Paula. The building sits on a corner (West Main and southwest corner of Mill). Adjacent to the bank is a bakery and confectioners at 102 West Main. There is a horse and carriage in front of the bank. Two…

Santa Paula, Calif., Bank of America postcard
A view of the Bank of America building on Main Street in Santa Paula, Calif. The bank is a square building with neo-classical design features on its facade, including molded columns and a diamond pattern below flat roof. There is a brick building…

Santa Paula, Calif. postcard
A street view of the two-story Citizens State Bank building, located on Main Street in Santa Paula. The building has an arched entry and ornate ironwork over two windows facing Main Street. American flags mounted on poles line the sidewalks on Main…

Bank of A. Levy, Fillmore
Exterior view of the Bank of A. Levy in Fillmore, located on the northeastern corner of Central Avenue and Main Street. Building is a two story, brick structure. View shows the western and southern faces of the building. Signs on building read "Bank"…
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